Blu-ray vs HD-DVD

Not including the 2hour Ferry trip , taking into account the possibility of snow in the Rockies or the time it would take to explain to the wife who Nixy is and why I'm going to Calgary to see her.:eek5:
Well, I was more thinking the other way...I wanna go on a road trip somewhere...I'm definately not driving through the Rockies in the winter though and 13 hours is about 9 hours longer than I'm looking for.
You're out west darlin'. Anywhere worth going is far far away. That way home is also far far away-from THEM.
Its probably a bit inconvenient,but you could buy one of each player(blu-ray/HD-DVD) for the cost of a dual format player.With the price of the individual players falling ,thats probably a better option ,short term anyway. :shrug:

Unless you've got room to stack them, or lay them side-by-side under your flat-panel TV...but you'd also have to have the 'slim-line' type...;)