Body Scanners: Invasion of Privacy and Health Risk


Well-Known Member
Body Scanners Increase Privacy, Says Corporate Media

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, January 7, 2010

With the resistance to naked body scanners in airports building, the corporate media is now claiming that technology which allows fat TSA thugs sitting in back rooms to ogle your naked daughter actually “enhances privacy”.

In our Orwellian brave new world where down is the new up, University of Ottawa professor Mark Salter gushes over the virtual strip searches with a gusto that makes you wonder whether he’s on the same payroll as people like Michael Chertoff, who have been aggressively promoting the scanners they are invested in as a solution to the underwear bomber threat, no matter that such scanners would not even have stopped Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab from boarding Flight 253.

In his Globe and Mail article, Salter doesn’t try to deny that the scanner produces a crisp image of your naked body, indeed, he ends his piece by asking, “Will Canadians be willing to fly naked?”

“Let me be controversial by saying the millimetre-wave scanner actually enhances privacy,” Salter ludicrously claims, arguing that everything is kosher because the government has promised to keep the strip search anonymous and not store the details in a database – and you can really trust them – after all, governments never keep illegal databases of our information do they? They haven’t been caught doing exactly that on almost every front since 9/11.

Salter isn’t really concerned about how a man with no passport who was on a terror watchlist and who was aided by a sharp-dressed man after his own father had warned U.S. intelligence that he was a threat was allowed to board a plane. No, that pales into insignificance, what’s really important is that brow-beaten Americans and Canadians, who are already treated like criminals and ordered around like prisoners by airport gestapo, are forced to undergo yet more humiliation by being routinely strip-searched, just as the Nazis did to the populations that they conquered during world war two.

Salter is also unperturbed by the fact that the body scanners fire ionizing radiation at the body which penetrates a few centimeters into the flesh and unzips DNA, increasing the risk of cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.

He is similarly unflustered at the fact that the body scanners violate laws against child pornography because they produce indecent images of children, meaning airports will become the primary peddlers of child porn.

Salter couldn’t care less that top civil liberties groups in Canada have publicly attacked the scanners as a violation of human dignity.

Salter thinks that thugs in uniforms who have made getting into America a worse experience than entering East Berlin sitting alone in back rooms enjoying naked images of your children is a good thing, because apparently being alone in a private room while staring at people’s genitals all day is sure to encourage nothing but the utmost professionalism, I’m sure.

Since Salter’s enthusiasm to see the invasion of the body scanners become a reality is so effusively boundless, he’ll doubtless also welcome the next wave of tyranny being prepared for travelers – mandatory taser bracelets that allow officials to electric shock passengers on a whim, passive brain scanners that pick up brain waves in order to sense the behavior of travelers, as well as surveillance cameras on every seat providing a big brother babysitter for every potentially disobedient slave.

People like Salter and others in the establishment press who are pushing naked body scanners certainly know which side their bread is buttered on. Since the corporate media is owned by the very military-industrial complex making a windfall from the orders for thousands of scanners now being made, as well as the shot in the arm for the fraudulent war on terror helpfully provided by the underwear bomber, it’s unsurprising that we’re seeing such ceaseless propaganda in favor of the scanners.

But an outraged hardcore of Americans, Canadians and people from around the world are standing up and saying enough is enough – with boycotts, lawsuits and mass protests in the pipeline as part of a growing resistance against the latest manifestation of the prison planet being constructed around free humanity.

Source - Click the source to see actual body scanner image.
Profiling would be much more reasonable.

Now of course, not all Muslims are terrorists. Everybody is aware of that.

However, when disproportionate numbers of terrorists are Muslims, what should the reaction should be? Search everybody, especially the 70 year old nuns and infants in strollers? Run everyone through a scanner?

Ivana Trump Escorted Off Plane: Napolitano Declares 'The System Worked'

In response to a Nigerian Muslim trying to blow up a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day, the government will now prohibit international travelers from going to the bathroom in the last hour before the plane lands.

Also prohibited in the last hour of international flights will be: blankets, pillows, computers and in-flight entertainment. Another triumph in Janet Napolitano's "Let's stay one step behind the terrorists" policy!

For the past eight years, approximately 2 million Americans a day have been subjected to humiliating searches at airport security checkpoints, forced to remove their shoes and jackets, to open their computers, and to remove all liquids from their carry-on bags, except minuscule amounts in marked 3-ounce containers placed in Ziploc plastic bags -- folding sandwich bags are verboten -- among other indignities.


A few things to keep in mind.
1) The Body scanner is not for every passenger who passes through the's meant to replace pat-downs and partial-strip searches which people consider far more invasive of privacy.
2) The radiation type and amounts are well below danger levels even after multiple exposures.
3) Images are viewed, but not saved, much in the same way that xrays of bags are viewable but not savable.
4) Choosing who gets scanned will use profiling techniques... 4 year old kids and 80 year old grandmothers will never see the inside of one of these things.
5) If you don't want to get scanned, either don't fly or don't act suspicious when you do fly.
A few things to keep in mind.
1) The Body scanner is not for every passenger who passes through the's meant to replace pat-downs and partial-strip searches which people consider far more invasive of privacy.

That's not what is being bandied about. In fact, full-body scanners are being fast-tracked into useage.

3) Images are viewed, but not saved, much in the same way that xrays of bags are viewable but not savable.

What's todays line on how fast som Hollywood babe gets her scanned image all over the net? I'm willing to go less thans three months.

4) Choosing who gets scanned will use profiling techniques... 4 year old kids and 80 year old grandmothers will never see the inside of one of these things.

Good. However, without Ma Kelly & the kid, the ACLU will be all oever this...persoanlly, scan all the Mulsims...since they fit the curent mold.

5) If you don't want to get scanned, either don't fly or don't act suspicious when you do fly.

Spoken like a true vict, err, volunteer of a fascist state.
Inverted Body Scanner Image Shows Naked Body In Full Living Color

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, January 8, 2010

The full body scanners that President Obama last night authorized to be rolled out in airports across the country at a cost of over $1 billion dollars not only produce detailed pictures of your genitals, but once inverted some of those images also display your naked body in full living color.

And you don’t need to be a graphics wizard using a $600 software suite like Photoshop to pull off the trick – inverting a photo is a simple process that takes one click and is an option available even in the most basic image editing software.

We were sent examples of the process by readers and then tested it for ourselves to confirm that simply inverting some of the pictures produced by the body scanners creates a near-perfect replica of a naked body in full color. (SOURCE OF IMAGE).

It is important to stress that this is a low resolution image. Airport screeners will have access to huge high definition images that, once inverted, will allow them to see every minute detail of your body.

The inversion trick doesn’t work for all the sample images produced by body scanners, but with or without its application, every image will still show details of your sexual organs. Even without being inverted, the images already break child porn laws in the UK.

Reassurances that airport screeners won’t be abe to save the images will provide little comfort to parents who know that the crystal clear image of their naked son or daughter being ogled by a TSA thug can merely be snapped with a handheld camera for their enjoyment later.

Apologists for the scanners have routinely described the images they produce as “ghostly” or “skeletal” in an effort to downplay the intrusion of privacy they really represent.

As we reported yesterday, claims that the body scanners did not provide details of genitals were disproven after a London Guardian journalist who was present at a trial for the machines earlier this week reported that the devices produce an image which make “genitals eerily visible.”

German Security advisor Hans-Detlef Dau, a representative for a company that sells the scanners, admits that the machines, “show intimate piercings, catheters and the form of breasts and penises”.

Indeed, as was admitted when the scanners were first being rolled out over a year ago, they don’t function properly if areas of the body are blurred out.

A report from October 2008, when the naked body scanners were first being introduced at Melbourne Airport in Australia, detailed how the X-ray backscatter devices don’t work properly unless the genitals of people going through them are visible.

“It will show the private parts of people, but what we’ve decided is that we’re not going to blur those out, because it severely limits the detection capabilities,” said Office of Transport Security manager Cheryl Johnson.

“It is possible to see genitals and breasts while they’re going through the machine,” she admitted.

TV news reports have been deliberately misleading viewers by blurring out faces and genitals of people in images produced by the scanners. When it comes to the real thing, your sexual organs and those of your children will be on full display to officials sat alone in back rooms, and with a simple inversion trick, your daughter’s naked body in full living high definition color will be there to be enjoyed by screeners.

Source - Click the source to see the inverted body scanned image.
No images saved --- yeah right!

It's evidence if something happens on a flight.

You REALLY think they won't pull ALL the images to see what happened on flight X-incident.
Is there a reason they can't have scanners on planes as a fall-back in case there are slip-throughs in the poorer countries? I assume there must be cos they're not doing it.

Also: has anyone thought through the repercussions of what happens when terrorists run out of external places to hide devices?
Yep - like drug muling. x-ray catches that, right, but not naked scanners?

Gonz - I was more thinking the un-assembled components.
lol, on the home page it says..."Body Scanners: Invasion of..."

I keep thinking every time I see it, it reads more like...
"Invasion of the Body Scanners"
That's make a good movie title, if it weren't so close to an already similar one.
No images saved --- yeah right!

It's evidence if something happens on a flight.

You REALLY think they won't pull ALL the images to see what happened on flight X-incident.

If the scanner shows something, the person is taken aside and frisked or strip-searched. They don't need the image.