Bog Roll


New Member
I have none left untill later this evening and i really need to take a dump :(

Can someone come and drop me some off?

Thanks. :)
Spliffy said:
I have none left untill later this evening and i really need to take a dump :(

Can someone come and drop me some off?

Thanks. :)
i am so laughing at you, but i understand...happens to me everytime i go to the inlaws.....

Damit i need a dump. My sister just called me and when i told her she laughed and now keeps calling me and making plop sounds and then hanging up :crying2:
Man, that's a nightmare.....'specially when yer've just got comfy on the porcelain throne and yer realise the roll holder is empty :dump:
lol innit. Ive decided to take my mind off of it by watching kids tv :)

Man i need a shit.

Oh wait....

YAY i found a bogroll. it was hidden in the bathroom yay.

*runs off to the toilet* woman would have grabbed a diaper wipe or an old washcloth or can always toss it later, why torture yourself. hell, everybody poops...i do hate getting caught without buttpaper but it ain't gonna stop me...
tonks said: woman would have grabbed a diaper wipe or an old washcloth or can always toss it later, why torture yourself. hell, everybody poops...i do hate getting caught without buttpaper but it ain't gonna stop me...

Nah.....I just do a handstand in the shower afterwards :)
tonks said:
the term 'shit runs downhill' comes to mind...

good point. Not an advisable hygeine practice the morning after a night at the curry trough *blech*
Buttcrackdivine said:
Your hands are natural toilet paper.

This ALWAYS used to happen to me at my sister's house... I swear they must have eaten the bogroll! Good job I usually have a travel pack of tissues in my handbag. :)