Bombing thwarted...

Blair is now the Czar of ME Peace. Why are they still attacking the UK?
Because whether or not you put troops in Iraq is unrelated to being targeted by terrorists.
Soooo, despite Britian's current drawdown/withdrawl from Iraq, they are still being targeted?

What's up with that?

The terrorist initiated the war.
They decide when and who to hit.
They have said they never will stop.
They will not negotiate.
They will hit ANY target they can.
The terror attacks may have no other purpose than just to show the rest of
the world that they can cause damage.
So much for Iraq being part of a "War on Terror"??!!??

Sat Jun 30, 2007 2:27AM EDT

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. troops killed an estimated 26 militants... suspected of close ties to "Iranian terror networks" and who were responsible for bringing Iranian weapons into Iraq.

WASHINGTON, June 6, 2007 – Coalition forces killed four terrorists, detained 23 others, and discovered multiple weapons caches during recent operations targeting al Qaeda in Iraq.

WASHINGTON, May 4, 2007 – Coalition forces identified bodies of two al Qaeda leaders, killed three additional terrorists and nabbed 39 others during operations across Iraq recently, military officials said.

BAGHDAD -- An Iraqi government source says the country's security forces killed two key insurgent leaders....and the arrest of 37 al-Qaida linked terrorists.
Meanwhile, this morning.....

An suv is driven aflame into the Glasgow airport....London at critical threat level:
"The car came speeding past at about 30 mph. It was approaching the building quickly," said Scott Leeson, who was nearby. "Then the driver swerved the car around so he could ram straight in to the door. He must have been trying to smash straight through."

Lynsey McBean, who was at the terminal, said one of the men took out a plastic gasoline canister and poured its contents under the car. "He then set light to it," said McBean, 26, from Erskine, Scotland. She said the Jeep struck the front door but got jammed.

"They were obviously trying to get it further inside the airport as the wheels were spinning and smoke was coming from them," she said.,2933,287472,00.html

So much for Iraq being part of a "War on Terror"??!!??

Yep, more like War For Terror.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 23 — A stark assessment of terrorism trends by American intelligence agencies has found that the American invasion and occupation of Iraq has helped spawn a new generation of Islamic radicalism and that the overall terrorist threat has grown since the Sept. 11 attacks.
I thought you said So much for Iraq being part of a "War on Terror"

First you say they're not, they you say it's Boooosh's Fault!

Have you made up your mind about that yet?

BTW, anything less from the biased NYSlimes would be a shock.
um, it's pretty much common knowledge that us being in iraq has led to the radicalization of a whole new crop of assholes.