Book geeks

DJB said:
ME TOO!!! ha ha ha.
Man, I loved those books.. I read them over and over.
I'd still be a big reader if books weren't so expensive.
(I'd go to the library, but I've got this awful habit of not returning books...... ever.....)

If you like Eddings, go get "The Redemption of Althalus". That book is close to the Begariad in mood, as are his "Sparhawk" books.
HomeLAN said:
I usually burn through at least a book a week. I read fast, and it's usually what I do on lunch hours.
Me too. I go nuts at lunch without something to read. As for being a book geek, someday when I'm feeling ambitious (and it's less cluttered), I'll post a pic of my library.

BTW, I liked Redemption of Althalus too.
I read a lot in the summer...but during the school year I just don't have the time.

This summer my goal is to read Anne Rice...lots and lots of Anne Rice
It would take 3 or 4 pics for you to see thw whole library. Downstairs shelves, front room shelves, bedroom shelves, and then the boxes.

*Sigh* That's why we've started donating some, even though it hurts.
HomeLAN said:
If you like Eddings, go get "The Redemption of Althalus". That book is close to the Begariad in mood, as are his "Sparhawk" books.

I've read 'em all too.

Actually, his "regina's song" the non fantasy fiction was really good too.
Im the master of beginning books that I never finish (and magazines). Honestly, you should see my bed stand. oh wait you cant see it because its covered by half opened books and magazines...
DJB said:
ME TOO!!! ha ha ha.
Man, I loved those books.. I read them over and over.
I'd still be a big reader if books weren't so expensive.
(I'd go to the library, but I've got this awful habit of not returning books...... ever.....)

Yeah, I can totally sympathise with that. I never remember to return library books. :rolleyes: Even though the library is literally just across the road from my apartment. :blush:

I'm currently on the last written book of the Song of Ice and Fire series (GRR Martin). I read Clash of Kings and Storm of Swords Part I over the course of two days. This last one's taking a bit longer.