Book Smart People vs. Street Smart People

ash r said:
this thread immediately reminded me of me and my boyfriend.
he's the street smart one. i think it's safe to say he could likely get himself thru nearly any situation. he's got a brain that thinks that way. it's frightening sometimes.

me, i'm the book-smart one. and i have like zero street smarts. i picked up this phrase somewhere, i think it's descriptive of me:
"for someone so smart, you sure are dumb".
that is so me.
i'm frequently seen as a blithering idiot, even tho, book-wise, i likely know a fair bit more than those who percieve me this way.
Reminds of the old saying "Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens"

I'm exactly the same, Ash....many people consider me to be quite intelligent but I sure do some stupid stuff from time to and common sense are not the best of allies all the time....
Cytro said:
My uncle has a master’s degree in American History and a bachelor in western civilization. As I was growing up he trained me like a robot to know all history....

I think it's a history thing. Though I'm still in high school and don't have the extensive knowledge, American History is positively amazing to me, and I feel as if I must embed it into the minds of my peers.


My GPA is in the 3.4 area, and I'm dumber than a box of shit :)