Brazilian town declares May 9 Orgasm Day...

Well, you know, it makes sense that it would hurt to get a shot of cum in the eyes. Isn't jizz supposed to be salty? If so, the saline content would suck the moisture out of the eyes, and that would hurt like a motherfucker.
Wel, if you get up the nerve, have some Visine handy. Send me the bill.

Oh, forgot to mention. Remember how V3.0's feet were all cracked and peeling? That cream for the tattoo, Aquaphor, worked wonders on it. I picked up a second tube will I was in Platsburg a couple of weeks back. Meant to mention it. Thanks for the intro to it. It's the first cream he doesn't complain about having put on.
The visine, of course. You know what they call girls that take money for "services rendered" doncha?