
Dood in 81 my apartment rent was $265.00 a month
which I halved with my roomie so a hundred bucks for a walkman woulda reallly put a dent in the months beer fund!

Of course, now I'm only about a year older than you were then, and I'm paying $575 for a one-bedroom apartment with no roommate.
But Dood we had keggers every weekend
with a bevy of underage goils!

I remember partying in that dump like a fool til
one night during the last week of 81 when the girl from
the apartment across the street said:
"come spend the night at my place tonight"
and the rest, as they say, is 'history' heh heh heh...
My ex-wife was kind enough to leave me a message on Yahoo a few days back, warning me not to talk to underage girls about sex on the internet because they're checking for that now and I might get arrested like her ex, Tim. I checked the Fresno Bee and found this story, and it seems this Tim is 22 and set up a meeting with what he thought was a 12-year-old girl for sex. It turned out to be the cops.

I should mention here that Christina is 19, which is a legal age.
Hey! Where's the robot? Where's the poppin'? Where's the Ghetto-blaster? That don't look like cardboard on the concrete! Where's the headspin?

Jive-ass punks don't know breakdancin' from crap! :D

seriously... looked like a gymnast trying to do breakdancing more than a breakdancer doing gymnastic moves.

Hell...I didn't even see any parachute pants anywhere...or bandanas and no sign of Run, DM or C !