Brew with Prof

He'll come back ... sometime... after all... this is where the fish are. I know where he lives and am not above going over to knock on his door if need be.
Alright, I'm still here. Unc knows me too damn well.

Nope. She dropped that and went into dance. She started with hiphop, and added ballet. Now she's added highland to it, and the teacher is going n.v.t.s. nuts about her ability. Apparently, she was better during her first class than girls who've been doing it for over a year. The teacher actually discounted the class for her, and told the missus to pay, whenever. Now she's talking dropping hiphop to concentrate fuly on the highland. And Grandma's head swoll up like the proverbial ballon. (did I ever mention that I've a cousin who was in the top 3 Irish dancers, kingdom-wide? Auntie dearest suddenly isn't the only one with a star)
Youre going to have to expand a bit on this 'highland' dance and define it better for me as it is an unfamiliar term. I would be of the opinion that the karate afforded her an early amount of balance and discipline that her peers suely would not have had.

The summer projects ever take place? Mum still at hand?... or have you separated the living arrangements by now?

Y'know, you never did return my call.
Highland dance is a scottish dance...that they dance in the highlands of scotland :p
Gawsh, explain highland dancing? Tomorrow's soon enough for that. I'll dig up a few sites. Basically, it's the dancing with swords that you've seen of TV. Irish dancing is what you see in Riverdance, and the like.

The karate went by the wayside when she kept getting in trouble for nattering on with her neighbours. Basically, she just didn't like it as much as I'd hoped.

The projects came to zip. Nada. The big doughnut hole. Didn't get a friggin' thing done. We're still staying with Mum (or she's staying with us. The matter's a little foggy). She's talking going home (Scotland) for the winter. But she's gotta wait for this new gov't crap permanent resident card bs to come though. Otherwise, she can leave, but they won't let her back. She's supposed to take the trailer, and we take over the homestead. I'm still trying to figure out what's got for a shite in the fusebox. I've an electrician friend who's wiling to come over, if I can ever get a date scheduled.

As for calling you back, someone committed a cleanliness on my desk, and I've been to damn embarassed to admit to losing your number yet again. It's probably keeping my mind company somewhere warm.
Mums place... is that where you are now? ... as in the # that ends in 82..?

65.. is the trailer where noone is now? I have a number for a pager and a cell phone. Were either of those from the old job or are they still active?

Did v2.0 get beyond the green belt before she fell off with it? V3.0 have a full set of teeth yet? Ever rip out the sattelite dish?

I always said that I would have come up and lend you the sweat of my brow for a visitation ... but alas, I'm no electrician, and winter is closing in all too rapidly.
Yup, for the phone numbers. The cell's my personal, but mum's carrying it at the moment, since I know it's number and I can't remember her. Pager's the works, but I still work there. Bastards won't fire me, no matter what I do.

I've a second (third) dish to install at mum's. I just got permission from the coop's council to install it. They wanted to put all kinda restrictions on the install, which I promptly cut off by being an employee of a company that installs the damn things comercially. Idiots.

V2.0 only got the blue belt. V3.0 is still working on the teeth, and still isn't talking yet. Lazy little shite.

As for a visitation, the door's open. I've already got an electrician, and you're a pansy for being afraid of a little loss of traction. :p. You couldn't drive any worse that the general retard roadhog up here, trying to get by on 4 seasons.

Oh, Nixy. That little snow threat last week.... had everyone in Ottawa joking about having to pull the troops back from Afganistan to dig out Toronto. Seems they haven't found a new joke yet.
It's all good! I'm in Hamilton now! We deal with our own shit! Even floods that leave huge sections of downtown a skating rink!!

We had a major watermain burst downtown last year...stupid old water mains being placed above the frost line :nono:
Now Nixy. You're an engineering student. You know that's not why they burst.

And Mtl's looking at 20 billion to rebuilt their water infrastructure. Some of the mains are over 100 years old.
The water mains down here in Atlanta are quite ancient as well (80+ years). They were laid out in the days when the population was like 1/5 what it is now. The strain on them in positively staggering... but they won't do anything about them. They seem to enjoy watching them implode and patch them on the fly. You have to just loooove a government that is elected on 4 and 6 year cycles that refuses to bite the bullet and outlay enough largess to take care of a problem for the long term. Everything is done cheaply and short term so as to keep the work crews on the public dole and make the politicians looking good because theyre saving so much money. Its a shame that they can't see how much emergency cash is rushing out the back door off of the general budgets to correct the larger lie.
ACTUALLY, our surveying professeur said that is EXACTLY why they burst. So, HMPH!
Its not that I'm afraid of the winter all that much. It just seems a waste to head so far north in deep winter when the days are oh so short. I would probably be locked up indoors most of the time instead of walking about the old charm of the city and the fishin' lakes when its warm and the days are pushing 17 hours of light... unless you have a 'plan' of sorts for what we would be doing. I know that you work some seriously stiff hours and don't have many moments to spare for an eeg-no-rant southerner who knows less than 10 French words. Le Petrol?! WTF is that? I need gasoline, dammit! ... Whats up with this damn province?