Bring you kid to work day


100% Pure Canadian Beef
Was today, so all day I have had Zak (his choice of spelling) as a helper, well some of the warehouse guys came up, and he was bored so he was surfing the net, they saw that and thought he fitted in with the office staff real well.

Horrible day for it it was dead here, no calls, people out sick, all projects on hold cause the boss is at a trade show in vegas, so now he thinks I surf the net all day, and fix peoples computer problems when they turn it on with a disk in the floppy drive and panic. This is what Zak now thinks, it's true mind you, but embarrassing.
Is your boss at the world of concrete?! People from my work are there this week...I'm jealous.
We have the worst bring your kids to work day. It is gonna be on 12/14 which coincidently is right after our Holiday Party (read: Drunken Mess). It's just awesome having little kids bombing around the office all day screaming when all I want to do is rest my hungover head on my nice cool desk and pass out. Bad timing....
Woodman: Take your kids to work day here is arranged by the schools for grade nine students, all of the "kids" are 14 and 15 years old. It sounds like yours is just a way for parents to not have to pay for babysitting for a day!
Yeah, see even the 14 to 15 yr olds is not what I need to deal with after a night of heavy drinking... I can barely stand myself after those nights...
Yeah, see even the 14 to 15 yr olds is not what I need to deal with after a night of heavy drinking... I can barely stand myself after those nights...

Why do they have the party on a week night? Ours is always a Friday or Saturday night...they don't want us all coming in hungover.