Britain is now the crime capital of the West



England and Wales also have the worst record for "very serious" offences, recording 18 such crimes for every 100 inhabitants, followed by Australia with 16.

And "contact crime", defined as robbery, sexual assault and assault with force, was second highest in England and Wales – 3.6 per cent of those surveyed. This compares with 1.9 per cent in the US.

Hm...... Britain, Wales, Australia..... all countries where people don't own firearms.... Hm.....

So, is crime really that bad over there? Anyone here ever been a victim of crime? I'm fortunate to have never been a victim of anysort of crime.
:confuse3: Ok, there's the straw, I gotta ask - what's with the obsession with Britain? :confuse3:
LastLegionary said:
Hm...... Britain, Wales, Australia..... all countries where people don't own firearms.... Hm.....

We don't walk around with guns here either. :eek: It's amazing any of us are still alive! :eek:
a word comes to my mind: "bazooka"

everybody should carry one....:rofl2:
Leslie said:
LastLegionary said:
Hm...... Britain, Wales, Australia..... all countries where people don't own firearms.... Hm.....

We don't walk around with guns here either :eek: It's amazing any of us are still alive! :eek:
I have no idea what you meant by your last post.
britain and wales are the same country. wales is part of britian, along with england and scotland.

for someone so obsessed with the uk at least try to understand the basic tennets of the structure of the country.

the new crime figures are made up from two sets of statistics. the first are police reported crime figures, which are up 7%. much of this is being put down to new reporting procedure and paperwork methods that mean that more crimes are recorded into the figures. when the statistical increase is included the crime rise is 2&
the second set of statisitcs is the british crime survey [bcs] that interviews 30,000 people over the year. it tends to pick up on unreported, personal, crime and incidents. this has shown a drop of 2%.

there seems to be mixed figures on crime in the uk, burglary is down 28%, and government street crime initiatives in london appear to be having significant impact.

of course, on the way home tonight i was carjacked, mugged, molested and physically assaulted. i just wish they could've had guns so i could have been shot P
ris said:
of course, on the way home tonight i was carjacked, mugged, molested and physically assaulted. i just wish they could've had guns so i could have been shot :p

I know you guys are just making a joke with this stuff, but I had a friend in Britain (met her online) who was murdered. She was riding a train home from a gaming convention and got caught up in a fight between rival football fans. One of them stabbed her to death. It does happen. People do murder each other in places other than the US...
'kin football hooligans :rolleyes:

cardiff city is one of the teams that have a bad reputation for their fans. its only a small number, probly 200 or so out of the 10,000 that attend home games. bloody hate them, such a bunch of neanderthals.

i've been to quite a few matches with ipswich, home and away, and never even seen a twitch of trouble. maybe i've been lucky, but holliganism is being clamped down on very hard here so i hope its a longer-term change.
ris said:
cardiff city is one of the teams that have a bad reputation for their fans. its only a small number, probly 200 or so out of the 10,000 that attend home games. bloody hate them, such a bunch of neanderthals.

Yeah, it doesn't take many to screw it up for everybody.
sure does, i'm just really glad that there was no trouble with england fans during the world cup, it looks like all the effort to try and stop the hooligans was worth it.

i was in a pub in london last year and got chatting to a leeds fan, he was a massive guy, tattoos etc, what you might call a atypical thug. he was a terrace hooligan in the 1970s, said he used to go all the place, every week a fight.
he described a very odd moral code though, he said that the mentaility of both sides was go out, get pissed have a barney. everyone enjoyed it until some idiots started bringing knives and stuff in, really made it nasty. seemd to be that it was accepted that you went with your fists and that was all, anything else was wrong.

You ever see a U2 concert taped or live from England? Those people really get emotional when there's 70k of them packed into the stands. It's good thing they don't have bulls running through the streets like the people of Spain have.
Speaking of Bull's I went to the "Driffield Show" ( working - free ticket ). this is an agricultural show with animals and tractors and food and food.

Prize Bull #26 - was about the size of a dinosaur - the biggest pair of nuts in the known universe could be seen hanging from the hind quarters - would make any lady cow's very happy!!! :eek: