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Too cute for words

<ed> I get a tad weirded out when he prays on his prayer rag in the cubicle
<ed> He says he's facing Mecca. My GPS says he's facing Detroit.
<ed> He's going to end up in Heaven with 77 Pintos and a Ford Maverick.
<+Inca> Lydia: Why did George Bush cross the road?
<+Inca> Lydia: Because his penis was stuck in the chicken!
<+Inca> I have strange friends
<+spock1104> he fucked the chicken and didn't have an exit strategy >_>

Just a yolk, Gonz
I don't get the first one...the second one however is teh funnah
<SaxxonPike> mmm, steak
<SLASHSPIT> you guys don't respect the environment, do you?
<SaxxonPike> I respect a good dinner
<SLASHSPIT> how can you eat that? cows are like one of the largest contributors of methane gas
<SLASHSPIT> which contributes to global warming and stuff
<SLASHSPIT> so what are you all doing for the environment?
<SaxxonPike> I eat the fucking cows

So wrong, yet so funny...
Haven't been there in a while have you?

1992, it was my first trip to the US. I was the first time I've seen a waitress have a nervous breakdown in the restaurant. It was the first time I drove down the wrong street and none of the stores had glass windows and most of the cars didn't have windows....or doors.... or wheels... It was the first time I saw a cop pull someone over and make them spread against the car. It was the first time I've seen a sign "Knife and Gun Show". It was the LAST time I went to Detroit.
Man made global warming is a myth. Global warming & cooling are both natural cycles.
1992, it was my first trip to the US. I was the first time I've seen a waitress have a nervous breakdown in the restaurant. It was the first time I drove down the wrong street and none of the stores had glass windows and most of the cars didn't have windows....or doors.... or wheels... It was the first time I saw a cop pull someone over and make them spread against the car. It was the first time I've seen a sign "Knife and Gun Show". It was the LAST time I went to Detroit.

Just like Mecca then.... :lol:

Hmm, wonder if that could be considered a racist joke... oh well, sue me. :p
Man made global warming is a myth.

I stand corrected. Many thanks Herr Limbaugh. Now if y'all will excuse me, I need to wrap myself in plastic shopping bags, let my SUV idle, stand in the yard and spray about 30 cans of AquaNet straight up into the air, and kill some owls.