buddies and heroes

i pretty much wear the same thing every day, rarely shave, and don't use deodorant. you figure it out, scro.
yeah i'm "like this" for sure. i am the downfall of america in concentrated powder form. but someday i hope to become a denture grinder or a truck driver. i like that it would be honest work for a change, but it's the grueling mental engagement of such tasks that really appeals to me.
um different dental labs have the departments setup a little differently usually.
You'd start out in the plaster dept. first probably, if you really want to learn the trade.
Otherwise you might start out in the receiving,and pack out (mail room) area.
and or, them may have the full denture, and partial denture depts. separate.
or,.....the acrylic and metal (framework) dept separate.
Then there's several more areas you'd have to know to be what could
be called an actual "Dental Technician".
My situation was somewhat unique, as are many that want to "start"
their own lab business.
Just can't get past it can you? I am an independent & don't need authority figures to show me the way.
Just can't get past it can you? I am an independent & don't need authority figures to show me the way.

i don't care if you're the queen of the amazon. your own testimony shows you to be a crank-meister supreme. your assy attitude's got UAW/IBT/ETC written all over it. likely was years ago under different circumstances that your krank evolved, but it stuck, buddy.

hah you love authority.

umm, scripture...

Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is, 'We are above that now.
We're not just parochial, we're not just chauvinistic, we're not just provincial.
We stand for something.' I mean, in a way, Obama's standing above the country,
above - above the world. He's sort of God. He's going to bring all different sides together.
Chris Matthews
so you're a fan of chris matthews huh? i guess i'm not surprised since you have a preference for loudmouth shitheads that just babble tribal nonsense.

at least foxnews makes me laugh, most of the time. msnbc makes me retch. i can't watch it at all.

hey that's it! gonz is to winky as foxnews is to msnbc.

do you need me to walk you through that? i know analogical reasoning is difficult fer ye.
You shouldn't us Nair [sup]TM[/sup] on them.]

how come the superscript isn't working?
is it different, or am I doing something wrong?