
I saw that. I figured that sooner or later they would have to lock it. its ok though it lasted longer than i ever thought it would.
So what is this board built on? Database driven or html?

And what's with all the blue smilies?
PHP and MySQL, baby! :D

The images are currently the stock images that came with Burning Board. I'm going to replace the smilies with better ones shortly, after I finish making a logo. The buttons will have to come last, cause they're the hardest to make them look good and not have them look like every other site's buttons.
Is this experimental or a intended long term site? Who if anything is it affiliated with?

Props to S4 for hooking me up with here.
i think they are talking about the one where we first got this site started...that's kinda why i brought the thread to the top again :headbang:
They must have put a thread at HWC, and it got locked......

I never saw that thread........it must have been in the ocing forum.
I think they are talking about the one in the feedback forum in which we got to together to form this site. It was locked shortly after Sam and Fury put otc online.
I usually browse:
General, Support, Software, Motherboarcs, Networking, Peripherals, Soundcards and Video Cards......

Geez, after two years of browsing you get to memorize the name and order of the forums. :D :D