Bush Cuts Off Diplomatic Relations with Congress


Well-Known Member
WASHINGTON, DC—President Bush announced Monday that his administration will permanently sever ties with the democratically controlled United States Congress, ending a nearly 220-year-old alliance between the two governmental branches.

"Our administration no longer recognizes the authority of this rogue body," said Bush in a televised Oval Office address. "Clearly, these combative men and women have a political agenda in direct opposition to our own. They have no concern for my national interests, and have left me no choice."

After six years of cordial relations between the executive and legislative branches of government, tensions flared up in January when Congress came under the control of "hostile new leadership." After a dramatic standoff last week over American policy in Iraq, the president openly denounced Congress, refused to accept calls from majority leaders, and returned Congress–approved legislation unsigned and unread.

In addition to his decision to cut off all communication, collaboration, and trade of ideas with the House and Senate, Bush also issued an executive order, effective immediately, removing all White House officials from the U.S. Capitol. Most prominent among those recalled was Vice President Dick Cheney, who also serves as the President of the Senate several days per year. Cabinet members who had been giving testimony before Congressional committees were quickly ushered to the roof of the Senate wing of the Capitol, where they boarded Marine One, the presidential helicopter, and were flown back to the White House.

"I will withhold judgment until Congress has voted on the matter."

Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid (D–NV)

"These people hate America,
and they hate freedom."

White House Press
Secretary Tony Snow
Cheney, speaking from an undisclosed location, said the White House's policy toward a Democratic Congress has always been regime change.

"These people acted as though they had control over domestic issues, and were threatening to affect international policy, as well," Cheney said. "It was clearly time to put a check on this antiquated, ineffective system of checks and balances."

Bush also increased the presence of Secret Service personnel stationed at the checkpoints connecting the Capitol to the White House.

Despite the president's move, several officials close to Bush believe there are a small group of reformers within Congress who remain loyal to Bush.

"It is our duty to protect these brave dissidents however we can," White House Press Secretary Tony Snow said. "To that end, we are providing them safe haven and financial aid, in hopes that they will some day rise to power and restore relations with the chief executive of the United States of America."

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D–NV) spoke out against Bush's actions, saying his adherents "will not back down in the face of such a fearsome enemy."

"We will not be cowed by this administration," said Reid, adding that Congress will continue to draft legislation "with or without" the blessing of the executive branch. "We certainly do not intend to recognize the president's order until it is voted on by the duly elected lawmakers who are in charge of such matters."

Bush's call for sanctions against Congress and increased funding for National Guard troops to patrol Senate grounds is currently held up in the Senate Ways and Means Committee.

Despite lawmakers' threats, the Bush administration made it clear that it is not only severing ties to Congress, but also to anyone who offers the legislative body aid, comfort, or votes.

"The people who support these leaders are just as culpable as the leaders themselves," Bush said. "My administration will not engage in discussions with any federal or state office that continues to recognize this irrelevant governing body."

After delivering his announcement, President Bush reportedly entered a closed-door meeting with several key Cabinet members where his privatized Social Security plan was drafted, voted on, and subsequently passed into law.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What form of government does the United States have?
Under its Constitution, the United States is a federal, representative, democratic republic at the local, state, and national levels.
  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
    [*]Federal because power is shared by the local, state, and national governments
    [*]Representative because delegates are elected by the people by free and secret ballot
    [*]Democratic because the people govern themselves
    [*]Republic because the U.S. government derives its power from the will of the people
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What is the citizen's role in our government?
The U.S. government is the basis for a participatory democracy, which Abraham Lincoln described as a government made "of the people, by the people, and for the people." Under the Constitution, U.S. citizens have the right to influence public policy. In addition to this, citizens have constitutional responsibilities, such as obeying laws and paying taxes.

The right to vote allows citizens to help choose the officials who will determine public policy. Another way citizens can participate in the electoral process is by contributing their time and money to campaigns to help nominate and elect the candidates they support. The active role of the citizen in the electoral process helps to ensure the legitimacy of a government based on democratic principles.


[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What is Congress?
Article I of the U.S. Constitution states that Congress will consist of two separate houses. A lawmaking body with two houses is called a bicameral legislature. The two houses that make up the U.S. Congress are the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Congress is the primary lawmaking body in the U.S. government. To solve problems, Members of Congress introduce legislative proposals called bills or resolutions. After considering these proposals, Members vote to adopt or to reject them. Members of Congress also review the work of executive agencies to determine if they are following government policy, and may introduce new legislation based on what they discover.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]How are laws passed?
Bills accepted by both houses of Congress and by the President become law. When the President vetoes a bill and returns it to Congress, Congress reviews the reasons for the rejection but may still act to pass the bill. The U.S. Constitution allows Congress to override the President's veto with a two-thirds majority vote of both the House and the Senate.
Does this mean that the US is becoming a Dictatorship since Bush if refusing to listen to the people's representatives? :eek5:
To the Queen! ;)

He's turning into a queen? :rofl4:

(btw our queen may be our head of state but she has no power to pass laws, that's what Parliment is for, and she can't veto them either. She just has to sign them. Personally I think that's way too much power for any one person to wield. ;))
The Onion is a joke site... if this were a real story, it would be posted in the RW forum anyway.