Bush may have found a way..


Well-Known Member
..to keep the illegal aliens on the other side of the US/Mexican border

In the newly minted general election, there's one topic both candidates will both try to avoid: immigration reform. Specifically, how to salve popular anger at illegal immigrants without damaging an economy that has become reliant on their labor. With too many deportations, crops will rot in the field. But with too few, Minutemen with desert-colored Ghillie suits and night-vision goggles start patrolling the border.

Politicians, however, may now have a tantalizing option for the dilemma of whether to deport or not to deport: do nothing at all. The U.S. economic downturn may already be encouraging undocumented workers to leave the country or not come over in the first place. A Pew Hispanic Center report released on Wednesday morning indicates for the first time that the sinking economy has caught up with the Hispanic work force with a vengeance. The main culprit, says report author Rakesh Kochhar, is job loss in the Latino-heavy construction sector.

First, the numbers: the Hispanic jobless rate — immigrant and native-born alike — climbed to 6.5% in the first quarter of '08 (non-Hispanics are at 4.7%). Compare that to late 2006, when Hispanic unemployment rates got closer than ever before to non-Hispanic rates, at 4.9% to 4.4%. Latinos have lost a lot of ground, particularly the immigrants among them. Their immigrant unemployment rate is 7.5% now; for those who have arrived since 2000, it's 9.3%.

The report doesn't distinguish between illegal and legal immigrants, but it's known that illegal workers are over-represented in construction, the industry that has taken the the biggest lumps. Over 220,000 Hispanic immigrants lost construction jobs in the last year. Some of those workers found jobs in the service sector or in health care, but overall, it's a grim picture. "We've been hearing about construction hitting the skids for some time," says Kochhar. "But it wasn't really until the second quarter of 2007 that the workforce was affected. It was delayed for them, but now it's coming hard and fast."
So are undocumented workers headed home? Perhaps —
More - TIME

Ruin the economy and they won't come. :D
They's still turnips that need apickin'.

And around these parts they's plenty of chicken processin plants like Tyson. Nasty work that pays about a dime over minimum wage. Some of 'em are bein shut down for too many illegals workin there.
I work out on the docks a Fieldale plant for near a decade.
My first Major job.
I was supposed to be 18, but they hired me 3 months ahead.

It ain't pretty, but it put's food on the table.
catocom said:
It ain't pretty, but it put's food on the table.

Nothing wrong with it, and I didn't mean to imply that there was. My intent was to point out that so many of the unemployed won't take the job, so illegals get it.

Several years ago when I worked in a different county, there was also a Tyson plant there. The eldest son of one of the city's "upper crust" families got hisself in a bit o'trouble sellin th' dope and such. He came through the court system and arrived at sentencing day. I'll spare the whys and such and just say that he, like most anyone else with the same charge, was gonna get probation. He was very smug and cocky in court...never a good idea. As the judge was explaining his probation rules from the bench, he cracked off about not needing to work, his daddy took care of all his bills. The judge looked up, drew a deep breath, and announced he was amending the order to mandate this young man maintain employment at Tyson for the first two years of his probation (lasted four years). Couple weeks later our hero came to see me for the first time...after work...oh it was NOT a pretty sight. :laugh3: I think he lasted about three more weeks until I violated his probation for breaking almost every rule on the order. At THAT hearing Daddy stood up and shouted that he'd see that I lost my job for this. That was eight years ago. I ain't missed a paycheck yet. Daddy paid a $250 contempt fine though...
Nothing wrong with it, and I didn't mean to imply that there was. My intent was to point out that so many of the unemployed won't take the job, so illegals get it.

oh, I knew ;)

Years ago I saw it coming, that mine and subsequent generations where getting
more and more accustom to not having to take those jobs.

I was just talking with someone today about many people not knowing How to be poor, and still make it.

I've been predicting, that more people are going to have to learn.
People are gonna have to get some humility back...to keep um straight.
there are few things more disgusting than arkansas chicken.


Minkster, when you're right, you're right. :headbang: