Bush: nuclear-armed Iran could lead to World War III

Luis G

Staff member
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President George W. Bush warned on Wednesday a nuclear-armed Iran could lead to World War III as he tried to shore up international opposition to Tehran amid Russian skepticism over its nuclear ambitions.

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No doubt that placing fear on US citizens is the first step to promote a war with Iran.
I guess starting a war with Turkey over some shit that happened almost a century ago wouldn't do it?
I'm not afraid of Iran so much as I am afraid of Russian and North Korean experts feeding them all the test answers so as to make a big boom-boom without earning it the hard way.
well I hate to tell Bush, but we are already in WWIII.
When will the nukes fly, is another question.
I guess starting a war with Turkey over some shit that happened almost a century ago wouldn't do it?

That would be our embarassingly stupid Congress. The people told 'em to STFU.

They did.
What's the big deal, anyway?

Why shouldn't Iminajihad have the bomb?

You'd think Bushco was king of the world or something. :rolleyes:
How is what the President said at a recent press conference putting fear on the American people? He didn't say "We begin bombing in 5 minutes."

Q But you definitively believe Iran wants to build a nuclear weapon?

THE PRESIDENT: But this -- we got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel. So I've told people that if you're interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from have the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon. I take the threat of Iran with a nuclear weapon very seriously. And we'll continue to work with all nations about the seriousness of this threat. Plus we'll continue working the financial measures that we're in the process of doing. In other words, I think -- the whole strategy is, is that at some point in time, leaders or responsible folks inside of Iran may get tired of isolation and say, this isn't worth it. And to me, it's worth the effort to keep the pressure on this government.

And secondly, it's important for the Iranian people to know we harbor no resentment to them. We're disappointed in the Iranian government's actions, as should they be. Inflation is way too high; isolation is causing economic pain. This is a country that has got a much better future, people have got a much better -- should have better hope inside Iran than this current government is providing them.

So it's -- look, it's a complex issue, no question about it. But my intent is to continue to rally the world to send a focused signal to the Iranian government that we will continue to work to isolate you, in the hopes that at some point in time, somebody else shows up and says it's not worth the isolation.
Iran is enriching uranium -> Iran is planning to build a bomb -> Iran will nuke us -> If we don't stop them we'll have WW3.

As Goebbls pointed out several years ago, repeat something a thousand times and it will become the truth.
Yes, I'm certainly terrified that Iran will attack us with their overwhelming military might and bring us to our knees. :rolleyes:
Dude... they've already got our cabs in New York! What'll it take before you see it?! ...taking over the cabs in Omaha?! ... by then it would be too late.

Yes, I'm certainly terrified that Iran will attack us with their overwhelming military might and bring us to our knees. :rolleyes:

You're better than that chcr. You do know why this propaganda is going the way it is. They need public support for taking actions against Iran, just as they did with Iraq. Remember all those weapons of mass distraction they claimed Iraq had and how they posed a threat to world security?

History repeats itself, but now with Iran.
Fall for what? This is just the prelim shakeout round for the TRUE World Cup. So far the US is like 19-1-1 in war. We can't help it if we draw such weak opponents. We've almost got a top seed lock for WW3. Iran wont make it through the semifinals.
How many of you, when Jerusalem lays in ashes, will ask "Why we didn't something?"

The President of Iran has spoken his intentions loudly & clearly. Just because you fail to listen doesn't mean that we all should.