Bush: nuclear-armed Iran could lead to World War III

Jerusalem? how about New Jersey?
They are rounding up Al-qaeda there Now.

When they bring it over our porous border, load it on an airliner after skating by security at LAX, and light up Time Square, then what?

Will those problem even be addressed then, and for how long?

It just doesn't matter though because Staph infections going to wipe out more people anyway.:hmm:
If they just keep doing business like a third world country, we'll be one.:grumpy:
The President of Iran has spoken his intentions loudly & clearly. Just because you fail to listen doesn't mean that we all should.

yeah yeah there's lots of blowhards in this world that talk about all kindsa bullshit destruction.

talk is cheap.

so is my mouth. :hump:
Talk is cheap. However, one of the craziest motherfuckers to lead a nation in a long time is currently working on producing nuclerar weapons. He has the impetus and, I believe, the balls to follow through.

Are you willing to take that chance?
You're better than that chcr. You do know why this propaganda is going the way it is. They need public support for taking actions against Iran, just as they did with Iraq. Remember all those weapons of mass distraction they claimed Iraq had and how they posed a threat to world security?

History repeats itself, but now with Iran.

Joke, Luis. Iran is no threat whatsoever to the US.

How many of you, when Jerusalem lays in ashes, will ask "Why we didn't something?"

The President of Iran has spoken his intentions loudly & clearly. Just because you fail to listen doesn't mean that we all should.
Yeah, Israel will stand still while that happens.
Joke, Luis. Iran is no threat whatsoever to the US.

Yeah, Israel will stand still while that happens.

Neither was Afghanistan.

Israel had better act soon because if they don't, he will.
Jerusalem is as important to the Muslim world as it is to the Jews and Christians. It ranks like 4th on their list of holiest places. 3/4 of their rank and file would turn on them overnight if they did that.

A better target would be nuking oil tankers going through the Strait of Hormuz.
I htink this is a carefull plan of the islamists. While everyone is looking at war with Iran, Pakistan is being overlooked. The way things are going, the dictatorship there is becoming very impopular. And they ALREADY have nukes...
Neither was Afghanistan.

Afghanistan never was a threat to the US. Some people based out of there and supported by their government staged a terrorist attack. The USA was never in any danger from them whatsoever. I guess you fear their incredible military might almost as much as that of that incredible world power, Iraq, huh? :rolleyes:
Afghanistan never was a threat to the US.

That's right. Yet, we continually get told that we need to finish the job in Afghanistan. What job? They never attacked us.

A country doesn't need to have the military capacity to threaten us to be a threat. That seems to be a things of the past. All they need now is to sponsor groups, ar allow them enought freedom to train for a mission, to attack us.

Just keep your head in the sand.
That's right. Yet, we continually get told that we need to finish the job in Afghanistan. What job? They never attacked us.

A country doesn't need to have the military capacity to threaten us to be a threat. That seems to be a things of the past. All they need now is to sponsor groups, ar allow them enought freedom to train for a mission, to attack us.

Just keep your head in the sand.
A terrorist organization, even a state sponsored one, is not and never will be a threat to the nation. A threat to the citizenry certainly but hardly a treat to the nation. Do you really believe that a few dozen, or even a few hundred suicidal nutjobs are a threat to the nation? You watch too much TV. Certainly too much "news."

Re the "job" that needs finishing, it doesn't bother you at all that Osama, who actually did orchestrate the 9/11 attacks (which, heinous though they were, were also never a threat to the nation) in case it wasn't clear to you, is thumbing his nose at us and clearly demonstrating that we as a nation and a society are completely impotent to do fuck-all about it? Wake up man.

We could actually finish that "job" but it is in no way in the best interest of the people in power or the people who wish to gain power. Gotta have a bogeyman out there to keep the unwashed masses entertained.

BTW, as a point of information, if you really believe we should attack Iran, you should probably be backing Hillary. I think she's the most likely of the current crop of lying assholes to do it.
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says there's nothing to fear ;) :

WASHINGTON - While military action against Iran is a last resort, the U.S. has the resources to attack if needed despite the strains of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the top U.S. military officer said.

Navy Adm. Michael Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Thursday the focus now is on diplomacy to stem Iran's nuclear ambitions and its support for insurgents in Iraq.

But, he told reporters, "there is more than enough reserve to respond (militarily) if that, in fact, is what the national leadership wanted to do."
I'm more worried about the fact that the Teleban are moving BACK into Afghanistan. Would it not be better to stuff them outta there once & for all than go after another bogey?
I'm more worried about the fact that the Teleban are moving BACK into Afghanistan. Would it not be better to stuff them outta there once & for all than go after another bogey?

nah that would make too much sense. we gotta spread our resources to ineffectively thin levels so we can be everywhere yet nowhere at once.
Ever heard of Rose Blumkin?

Rose Blumkin, was only 95 years old. Known affectionately as Mrs. B, she zipped around her new store, Mrs. B's Warehouse, in a motorized cart working like she always had- seven days a week and fourteen hours a day.

She built it by selling furniture and carpeting at a huge discount. Rose Blumkin said the key to her success was "telling the customers what they want or should want." and "sell cheap and tell the truth."

She married Isadore Blumkin, a shoe salesman in 1913. In 1914, Isadore fled Russia in order to avoid World War I military conscription. She followed in 1917. Rose made her way to the United States by way of Siberia and China. She had to use a little bribery to get across the border.

"I told the guard that I was buying leather for the army and I would bring back a bottle of Vodka," she once said in an interview.

"He is still waiting."


Those were the days, I'm tellin' ya.
Do you really believe that a few dozen, or even a few hundred suicidal nutjobs are a threat to the nation?

A threat to the nation would include killing its citizens. Hell, by your definition, the Soviets were hardly a threat TO THE NATION. We'd have still had a functional gov't in teh event of MAD. Only the people would be dead.

You blow up parts of our infrastructure & murder hundreds or thousands of our citizens-YOU ARE A THREAT!