Bush Seeks to Avoid A Trade War


molṑn labé
Staff member

The Bush administration has decided to repeal most of its 20-month-old tariffs on imported steel to head off a trade war that would have included foreign retaliation against products exported from politically crucial states, administration and industry sources said yesterday.

Washington Post
Now if he corrects all his other fuck ups things just might start to improve in this world of ours...
Fuck ups? Nah, he's been a decent President given decidely unfamiliar circumstances & has coped quite remarkably. Good leader even if the liberal minority can't get past your, err, their preconceived notions.
hes a leader. if hes good is questionable. sent the army into Iraq for whatever reason(he changed the reasons a few times on us.), and the homeland security is a means to have security by giving up rights.
he changed the reasons a few times on us

Untrue & I've provided plenty of evidence to the contrary.

I don't care for the HS act. I see potential dangers around every corner as well as out in the open. I don't support it. I also know that nothing devious has happened yet.
Gonz said:
Untrue & I've provided plenty of evidence to the contrary.

I don't care for the HS act. I see potential dangers around every corner as well as out in the open. I don't support it. I also know that nothing devious has happened yet.
Gonz, you continually ignore the realitiy of the situation. The reason we went to war was because the UN inspectors failed to find the weapons that the administration swore were there. Any other reasons given were spurious at best. In fact, the only legitimate reason would have been a direct threat to the United States. We have not found direct, plausible evidence of such, nor have we found the WMDs that the administration was so adamant about. If they had such evidence they would be shouting it from the rooftops. The fact is, they realize what a mistake they made and are looking for a way out. At the start of this whole business, cooler heads both here and abroad suggested that a wait and see attitude might be better, but we continue to undermine the authority of the UN by ignoring them when they don't do specifically what we tell them to.

The rest of the world feels that the US has a "We're the Americans, we'll tell you what's good for the world" attitude. The reason they feel this way is because it's true. :shrug:
chcr said:
undermine the authority of the UN

What authority is that? 12 years of saddam using & abusing them is not authority. There is a history of deceit & lies from the Iraqi leadership. There is evidence that Iraq continuued to work on banned weapon systems but since there isn't a piece of hardware it's ignored.

The immediate direct threat wasn't from ICBM's. It was from saddam arming a terrorist organization. He's used chemical weapons before & there is no reaon to believe he wouldn't do it again. Against our people or against our allies. He had to go. Bush 1 should have asked for further authority from the UN. Bush 2 said we don't need no stinking authority if they won't cover their own ass.

It's working to our benefit & to the benefit of the Iraqi people, most of whom are glad we're there & we took him out. I join them in celebration. Now, on to Syria & Saudi Arabia.
I'd guess they know that SA will have a free pass as long as Bush is in. Its just more smoke & mirror stuff from the right when they hint that SA will some day be held accountable. They're just trying to buy time to divert the attention away...:mad:
Gonz said:
Untrue & I've provided plenty of evidence to the contrary.

I don't care for the HS act. I see potential dangers around every corner as well as out in the open. I don't support it. I also know that nothing devious has happened yet.

the main reason he gave was the WMDs correct?

he also has given these reasons
liberating the Iraqi people
Sadam and Al Quida were linked
What authority is that? 12 years of saddam using & abusing them is not authority. There is a history of deceit & lies from the Iraqi leadership. There is evidence that Iraq continuued to work on banned weapon systems but since there isn't a piece of hardware it's ignored

all govts have had decit and lies. not just the Iraqi gov't.
Gonz said:
Fuck ups? Nah, he's been a decent President given decidely unfamiliar circumstances & has coped quite remarkably. Good leader even if the liberal minority can't get past your, err, their preconceived notions.

LMFAO! Me a liberal? Well by the UK definition you are spot on, by the US definition I woulodn't actually know.

I firmly believe that Saddam Hussein should have been removed from power. However I have a real problem with the way it was done. I have a real problem with a world superpower repeatedly ignoring international law just because they're the biggest kid in the playground.

Does that make me a liberal? I'd say not, but if it does then I am proud to be one.
Gotnolegs said:
LMFAO! Me a liberal? Well by the UK definition you are spot on, by the US definition I woulodn't actually know.

I firmly believe that Saddam Hussein should have been removed from power. However I have a real problem with the way it was done. I have a real problem with a world superpower repeatedly ignoring international law just because they're the biggest kid in the playground.

Does that make me a liberal? I'd say not, but if it does then I am proud to be one.
Anyone who disagrees with Gonz is a liberal. :lol:
I'm for the death penalty and against gun control, but I'm one. :shrug:

Oh, and hope is certainly less powerful than belief, but I'm glad to hear you only hope it will happen. I hope it will too, but I really don't believe it will.
chcr said:
Anyone who disagrees with Gonz is a liberal. :lol:
I'm for the death penalty and against gun control, but I'm one. :shrug:

Oh, and hope is certainly less powerful than belief, but I'm glad to hear you only hope it will happen. I hope it will too, but I really don't believe it will.

most liberals are for gun control chcr ;) but most conservatives are for teh death penalty(I am too). you can be liberal in some areas and conservative in others
freako104 said:
most liberals are for gun control chcr ;) but most conservatives are for teh death penalty(I am too). you can be liberal in some areas and conservative in others

Depends on whose little world you're inhabiting I suppose. ;)