Bush Seeks to Avoid A Trade War

It's been a while since I had a good argument so I thought I'd bumo this and try and provoke Gonz again... *poke*

How does this reversal make Bush look good? The way I see it he made a bad decision which contravened international law just to curry a little favour, when it turned out the rest of the world wasn't willing to play along wiht his electioneering he did a sharp U-turn and now we're supposed to think he's a good guy because of it?

Bollocks, he fucked up, now he's trying to cover his tracks.
Squiggy said:
I'd guess they know that SA will have a free pass as long as Bush is in. Its just more smoke & mirror stuff from the right when they hint that SA will some day be held accountable. They're just trying to buy time to divert the attention away...:mad:

Hey Squiggs - what in the hell does South Africa have to do with any of this? Leave us alone man, we're a peaceful nation of vegan hunter gatherers :p
LOL - can't ye just call 'em something else? Just for me? I always get the idea people are plotting to come over and bomb us when I see SA :D
Gotnolegs said:
It's been a while since I had a good argument so I thought I'd bumo this and try and provoke Gonz again... *poke*

No provocation needed. I an not a republican & I'm not a Bush supporter, outside the war. He's a free-wheeling liberal that is allowing the Republican Congress to spend money "like a drunken sailor." It was a bad move to begin with. He thought he was protecting American steek industry jobs but tariffs suck. Free trade. I don't think he sucks the way most of you do but you're biased :p
No. He calls himself Republican. He's never claimed to be conservative.
isnt he affiliated with the GOP party which is known to be conservative and supportive of the republicans
Republicans tend to lean right but they are as porous as the Democrat party which tends to lean left.

Was Rockefeller conservative? Is Lieberman liberal?
ah ok i didnt think of those two. Rockefeller is kind of liberal and Liberman to me is quite conservative
We don't want him...and I'm not letting you dump him on us just because you finally figured out what an ass he is. :D