Bush to Lift Executive Ban on Offshore Oil Drilling


Well-Known Member
WASHINGTON — President Bush will lift an executive ban on offshore oil drilling, although new oil exploration on the Outer Continental Shelf will remain off limits until Congress also takes action. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,381761,00.html

well, that squarely puts the responsibility on the congress, and senate.

"How you gonna act":bgtup:
So, off shore drilling was banned by both the office of the POTUS (who knows when) and congress, now that congress is Dem, he lifts the ban, and says "look, the dems won't let you"
So we won't drill for new oil here offshore. Wonderful! Let's just keep driving cars that use gas from oil that's been drilled offshore and messed up the environment in other parts of the world. After all, environment changes in the gulf of Mexico and in the middle east would have no effect on the environment in Santa Barbara County, right?
Since there's more natural sepage in a year than oil companies have spilled, ever, that argument is pointless.

In national parks? Hell yea, if that's what it comes to. Oil is the savior of the 20th century. It has created more longevity & advances to ourt life than any single product. Why does everyone oppose it? Wanna bet those that hate oil the loudest would be the first to scream when the fire truck didn't make it to their house.
So, off shore drilling was banned by both the office of the POTUS (who knows when) and congress, now that congress is Dem, he lifts the ban, and says "look, the dems won't let you"

:grinno: The price of oil is what the POTUS is using to lift the ban. If you remember, he tried to get the ban lifted in ANWR in his first term...much to the derision of the Dems. Hell...it was short-sighted to ban it in the first place, and its short-sighted to keep the ban now. We all know it won't do crap for prices now, but that's the main reason we're in this mess. Too many people wanting something 'now'without thinking about 10 years, or so, ahead.
Actually, as I've mentioned before, the US has all kinds of rules and regulations regarding oil drilling. would you rather have us doing it or someone else, just outside the 12 mile limit, with no rules at all. As Gonz points out, the incidence of spillage is blown way out of proportion (much as virtually everything else the "environmental" lobby sets their attention on) and when it comes right down to it, somebody will be drilling wherever there's oil.
Actually, as I've mentioned before, the US has all kinds of rules and regulations regarding oil drilling. would you rather have us doing it or someone else, just outside the 12 mile limit, with no rules at all. As Gonz points out, the incidence of spillage is blown way out of proportion (much as virtually everything else the "environmental" lobby sets their attention on) and when it comes right down to it, somebody will be drilling wherever there's oil.

:grinyes: Just look towards Cuba, happily drilling in the waters of their own country...
With Chinas help, they're about to be slant drilling under Tallahassee
Today, at a news conference, Bush repeated his new position, and slammed the Democratic Congress for not removing the congressional moratorium on the Outer Continental Shelf and elsewhere. Crude-oil futures for August delivery plunged $9.26, or 6.3 percent, almost immediately as Bush was speaking, bringing the barrel price down to $136.


N\ow that his term is almost over, he's acting all leader-like
But what about the dolphins?

Why must they suffer for our greedy oil addiction??

Why can't we be progressive?

What's wrong with bicycles? Or public transportation? Or walking?
