Bush tries to control gas prices to make re-election easier


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Kerry: Gas deal, if true, 'disgusting'

[size=-1]John Kerry (news - web sites) criticized as "disgusting" a reported arrangement between the Bush administration and Saudi Arabia to ease gas prices before the presidential election - a move that could help the president's re-election campaign.[/size]
[size=-1] Campaigning in Florida on Monday, Kerry, the likely Democratic presidential candidate, seized on comments by author Bob Woodward about his book Plan of Attack. The book chronicles the administration's planning for the Iraq (news - web sites) war.
In an interview on the CBS program 60 Minutes, Woodward said Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Riyadh's ambassador to Washington, had made the pledge after being assured the United States planned to remove Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) from power in Iraq. "Certainly over the summer, or as we get closer to the election, they could increase production several million barrels a day, and the price would drop significantly," Woodward said. (Related story: Woodward's words don't match)
Saudi Arabia, as the leading exporter of oil to the United States, has the power to affect prices by changing production levels. But in a statement, an aide to Bandar denied that his country would do so for political reasons.
The oil market has increasingly become a political issue as crude oil prices near a 13-year high. The average price of a gallon of regular gasoline hit a record $1.813 Monday, the Energy Department said. The department has predicted gas prices will peak in May.
If it is true "that gas supplies and prices in America are tied to an election and tied to a secret White House deal, that is outrageous and unacceptable to the American people," Kerry told more than 1,000 people at a town meeting in Lake Worth. "If that sounds wrong to you, that's because it is fundamentally wrong."
At an earlier fundraising breakfast, Kerry, as part of his appeal to Jewish voters in this state, promised to "end this sweetheart relationship with a bunch of Arab countries" that provide money to fund anti-Israel terrorism. An aide said the reference was to Saudi Arabia.
Later, Kerry said he was "deeply, deeply troubled" by Woodward's account. "If that's true, it's disgusting."
White House spokesman Scott McClellan declined to answer questions about the reported oil production arrangement. He said Saudi Arabia has "committed to making sure prices remained in a range, I believe it's $22-$28 per barrel of oil, and that they don't want to do anything that would harm our consumers or harm our economy." Asked whether the promise is related to the election, McClellan said, "I'm not going to speak for Prince Bandar."
In a statement, Bandar's foreign affairs adviser, Adel Al-Jubeir, said the Saudi promise was simply a restatement of a long-standing policy. "We do not use oil for political purposes," he said.
"Saudi Arabia is the key, really, to the whole market," says Tim Evans, senior energy analyst at IFR Markets, a market research firm. The Persian Gulf country has one-tenth of the world's oil production capacity, the largest of any country in the world. That gives the Saudis enormous power with the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. "To a large extent, they set the tone for OPEC (news - web sites)," Evans says. "They can certainly have an impact all on their own."


If it means lower prices, Ok. Only question I have, and I guess I won't see til after the election, but are they going to stay down?
Professur said:
Manuring the fields liberally, aren't we, Bish?

I don't write the stuff...I just react to it. Now, you and I both know that there's nothing random about gas prices, and that the sudden ups in prices before holidays aren't related to news events, or wars etc... they're controlled, pure and simple, to make more money. Either by Opec, or by S.Arabia, Iraq, etc...oil rich nations.

Is it really all that much of a stretch to think that someone with political clout would play those prices like a fiddle in order to get what he wants? You do this for me, and I do that for you?


Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
A)Bob Woodward, last night on Larry King is still aLive corrected LK. What he wrote & what the liberal press is reporting is very different.

B)Kerry not only voted for higher gas taxes he is saying that this sectret plan is terrible. So, he must really not want cheap gasoline.

C)SO WHAT. If our gas prices go down, it's all good.
Didn't Clinton/Gore open up the strategic petroleum reserve in 2000 to achieve the same effect of lower gas prices before the election?
Not only that but the Saudi's have upped production before every election since Carter first asked. Bush hasn't asked but I know that Carter did in 79 & Willie did in 2000. The Saudi's say they now do it by rote.
What's funny about this is the fact that Kerry has been saying that gas prices should be lowered. Now that the President has done what he asked, he's complaining that it's election year politics...Is this irony, or what? :rofl4:

A more accurate title of this thread would be:

"Liberals create irresponsible headlines in a weak attempt to shape Presidential election"

Here's the story--from Prince Bandar's mouth no less:

Thursday, April 22, 2004
WASHINGTON — The Saudi ambassador to the United States on Wednesday denied any link between the U.S. presidential election campaign and a Saudi pledge to the Bush administration to push for lower oil prices.

There was "no quid pro quo," Prince Bandar bin Sultan told reporters after a meeting with national security adviser Condoleezza Rice about the latest terrorist strike in Saudi Arabia.

"I cannot say we're not aware that you are going through your seasonal tribal warfare now so it's very dangerous to open one's mouth here on any issue," said Bandar. "I hope Senator Kerry has heard my explanation about the oil and he can be assured that we didn't make any deals that could interfere in our friends' internal affairs."

CBS's "60 Minutes" reported Sunday that Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward (search) said Bandar promised Bush that Saudi Arabia will lower oil prices in the months before the election to ensure the U.S. economy is strong on Election Day.

On Tuesday, Saudi Arabia denied accusations that it has an agreement with the White House to increase oil production closer to the Nov. 2 election, thus driving down gasoline prices.

"The allegation that the kingdom is manipulating the price of oil for political purposes or to affect elections is erroneous and has no basis in fact," said a statement issued in Riyadh by top Saudi foreign policy adviser Adel al-Jubeir.

Kerry, the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, expressed outrage at the allegation.

"If it is true that gas supplies and prices in America are tied to the American election, tied to a secret White House deal, that is outrageous and unacceptable to the American people," Kerry said.

From: Foxnews.com

From: Reuters April 21, 2004:

LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices backed further away from recent highs on Wednesday, on forecasts that U.S. inventory data would show the world's biggest consumer further replenishing its crude stock cushion.
Gato_Solo said:
What's funny about this is the fact that Kerry has been saying that gas prices should be lowered. Now that the President has done what he asked, he's complaining that it's election year politics...Is this irony, or what? :rofl4:


Seriously, as Gonz points out, whether he asked or not, it's not the first time it's happened, won't be the last. It says more about our apathy as voters than anything else that this type of behavior is condoned, even expected. :shrug: