*****Bush triumphs in Congress elections*****

Yes flavio I listen to Rush. Beats the hell out of top14 radio. He's funny & sometimes he's even correct.

I guess that explains why you're being so partisan lately. I think listening to that blowhard spout party line politics has been proven to be bad for your intestinal fortitude.
to a point. I'm waiting for the Republicans to screw yp so I can start bitching about them too.

my recent partisan attitude is because I've been watching how the Senate has crawled to a stop & refuse to commit to anything. I hate Daschle, he is a commie (leave it alone ris:D ). As I stated in the other thread, let's see what they can do now that they've taken control. (I've been listening to him for over 6 years)
fer fecks sake, when even the admins can't have the good grace to help out the mods :rolleyes:

j/k ;)