Bush won't give them Vietnam II


molṑn labé
Staff member
So they have to re-invent it. The left is anti-American. Maybe not each individual, but as a whole, they are. After a year, they keep moving farther & farther toward lunacy. It's getting creepy how far they (you) will go to bash the President. It's scary how far the power end of your side will go to help the enemy. You can't even claim to support the soldiers anymore. It's a sad statement that such a large plurality of Americans, not to mention America's allies, have stepped off the edge and are, in effect, committing treason.

Senator Clinton told the Arab language daily Asharq al-Awsat that the Bush administration had not been "frank" with the American people concerning the human and financial costs in Iraq.

The New York Democrat senator said the United States was in trouble because it could not abandon Iraq, nor provide enough manpower to run the country, nor gather world allies willing to provide the necessary assistance for the gigantic task.

She described the Bush administration as “stubborn and arrogant” for refusing to admit its mistakes which were endangering US soldiers, Iraqis and stability in the Middle East. Clinton said the June 30 deadline for handing over sovereignty to the Iraqis was a “last chance” not to be missed.

Take your pick of many middle east news sources that have run with this. The cunt left our shores & spoke badly of our war-time President to a arab-language newspaper & it's running hourly on al Jazeera.

How about the Portland Independent Media Center website;

"Dumb Jock Killed in Afghanistan."

One suggested an alternative headline, " … or, how about, 'privileged millionaire, blinded by nationalist mythology, pisses away the good life.'"

Another suggested headline was: "'Citizen of empire allows ignorance to cause him to die for imperialism' or maybe ... Capitalist chooses to kill innocents instead of cashing check."

One reader who was identified as "George W." wrote, "Thanks for the laugh."

Commenting on the article's reference to a "brave American," a reader replied: "'brave'???? for going over to Afghanistan completely uninvited and slaughtering brown-skinned people with advanced weaponry?"

Another said: "Tillman chose to go to Afghanistan. He's partially reponsible [sic] for the deaths of hundreds, maybe thousands of Afghan civilians. No need to feel sorry for him, other than feeling bad that he was brainwashed into serving as a grunt."

The reader continued:

"Interesting how another poster said going to Afghanistan in a crusade to kill people is the 'Christian' thing to do. An extremely high percentage of white Judeo-Christians are violent and condone killing.
"Literally speaking, the original headline is true. Tillman is a jock. Going to serve as cannon fodder is dumb. However, people who cheer the deaths of jocks are one and the same with the white supremacist NRA wackos who celebrated Hitler's birthday by murdering many jocks and nonwhites at Columbine.

"If you visit any mainstream sports forum, you'll see over 90 percent of the posts about the issue are patriotic nonsense. They want to avenge Tillman by killing even more people worldwide. On the rare occasion someone makes an intelligent point, e.g., his death was avoidable because we should have brought the troops home a long time ago, the intelligent posters get flamed to oblivion by bloodthirsty chicken hawk 'patriots.'

"The USA will never completely control Afghanistan. Just like the Brits, Soviets, and other countries, the USA is guaranteed to lose."

How about hiding important news
Jordan WMD Plotter Confesses to Iraqi Involvement
At least one of the al-Qaida plotters arrested in Jordan earlier this month as part of a weapons of mass destruction plot that Jordanian officials say could have killed 80,000 people revealed on Monday that he was trained in Iraq before the U.S. invaded in March 2003.

Go back through the last year. I've invested tons of hours into following what's going on. I've passed along much of the more interesting, or shocking, news stories. Many of you dismiss my rantings because you don't like what I say but very few of you can present evidence of my being wrong.

So, after a year I will admit what I've been trying to avoid. The left has become anti-American.
Oh, damn. I forgot to add the final straw (well, actually Sen Clinton was the final straw)

Ramussen said:
April 27, 2004--More than six-out-of-ten American voters believe the USA is a good role model for the rest of the world.
A Rasmussen Reports survey found that 64% of voters believe that American society is generally fair and decent. Additionally, 62% believe the world would be a better place if other countries became more like the United States.

However, while a solid majority views the nation in this way, there are significant differences of opinion among partisan, ideological, and political fault lines.

Among Bush voters, 83% say that American society is generally fair and decent. Just 7% say it is basically unfair and discriminatory.

While Bush voters are united behind this perception, Kerry voters are divided--46% say fair and decent while 37% say unfair and discriminatory.

Eighty-one percent (81%) of Bush voters also believe the world would be better if other nations were more like the United States. This view is shared by just 48% of Kerry voters.

From an ideological perspective, 74% of conservatives say the world would be better if other nations were more like ours. Just 15% of conservatives believe it would be worse.

However, among self-identified liberals, the numbers are 49% better and 37% worse. A plurality of those who say they are very liberal believe the world would be in worse shape if other nations were more like ours.

Moderate voters, by a 3-to-1 margin think that having other nation's more like us would create a better world.

Similar differences of opinion were found on the question of the United Nations. Just 38% of American voters have a favorable opinion of that organization.

The survey also found that just 18% of voters believe most Americans are racist. Sixty-five percent (65%) disagree.

Rasmussen Reports provides a comprehensive Election 2004 polling service. We have recently released state polling data for the Presidential race in California, New Hampshire, New Jersey, West Virginia, Florida, and Colorado. Earlier surveys were conducted in Washington, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Ohio, and Missouri.

On a national basis this time around, the Rasmussen Reports Presidential Election Tracking Poll updates the Presidential race on a daily basis.

The telephone survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports April 25-26, 2004. The margin of sampling error for the full sample is +/- 3 percentage points, with a 95% level of confidence.
Those are seperate issues.

English speaking-I'd guess 75%+ & include myself.

Ah, and of course the radical right is the voice of reason and temperance. Can you say Oklahoma City?
Can you say already executed?

The extremes on both sides are nuts. The extreme on the right doesn't adhere to enemies or give them aid and comfort.

An example of the difference. The right has produced abotion doctor murderers-very few. When that happens, the right is calling for the immediate prosecution of the bad guy.
Last week, at the "we know it's legal but we have nothing else to rail against pro abortion" rally in DC, women stood around some pro-lifers & chanted "Lies" when they were shown pictures of x-week old fetuses. Out of touch with reality in name of the cause is common.
Gonz said:
Before you ignore me could you tell me why they aren't seperate?

It's called human nature. Those self same six outta ten are the same people who couldn't accept Galileo's universe, or Columbus's round world. They're good people. Salt of the earth. And about as much imagination as the soil they farm, or the industrial machines they run, for the most part. Simple folk, without the depth to understand that most of the world doesn't think that the US is any kind of example at all.
Gonz said:
.... they keep moving farther & farther toward lunacy.... The left has become anti-American.

Yes. Very seditious.

When that weasel wrote in his school newspaper of Tillman, http://www.dailycollegian.com/ (alas, the site is in Error, must be the response to the idiot) :

Pat Tillman is not a hero: He got what was coming to him

By Rene Gonzalez
April 28, 2004

"I've been mystified at the absolute nonsense of being in "awe" of Tillman's "sacrifice" that has been the American response. Mystified, but not surprised. True, it's not everyday that you forgo a $3.6 million contract for joining the military. And, not just the regular army, but the elite Army Rangers. You know he was a real Rambo, who wanted to be in the "real" thick of things. I could tell he was that type of macho guy, from his scowling, beefy face on the CNN pictures. Well, he got his wish. Even Rambo got shot in the third movie, but in real life, you die as a result of being shot. They should call Pat Tillman's army life "Rambo 4: Rambo Attempts to Strike Back at His Former Rambo 3 Taliban Friends, and Gets Killed."

I couldn't gut the anti-US sentiment contained in this kid's editorial. But Gonzalez rants on:

" However, in my neighborhood in Puerto Rico, Tillman would have been called a "pendejo," an idiot. Tillman, in the absurd belief that he was defending or serving his all-powerful country from a seventh-rate, Third World nation devastated by the previous conflicts it had endured, decided to give up a comfortable life to place himself in a combat situation that cost him his life. This was not "Ramon or Tyrone," who joined the military out of financial necessity, or to have a chance at education. This was a "G.I. Joe" guy who got what was coming to him. That was not heroism, it was prophetic idiocy."

Way to spew, Gonzalez. You are a proud reflection of all that your education has given you.

It is clearly shown in the anti-US biased media reporting of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR, NY Times, LA Times etc. with spin artists such as Rather, Gumbel, Couric, Koppel, Jennings, Brokaw, Roberts, Sawyer, etc. that they are determined to discredit President Bush, while these same leftists excuse all the Democrat lies, scandals, and coercion. They dish out a socialist program that Stalin and Hitler would be proud of, omitting facts when it comes to reporting on any liberal agenda, attacking the character of conservatives only.

This biased reporting also strengthens the resolve of terrorists targeting our troops in Iraq. The news media is dwelling upon the mistakes, the ambushes, the soldiers killed and the wounded, and it is not balancing this bad news with 'the rest of the story,' the progress made daily, the good news. The falsely bleak picture weakens our national resolve, and it discourages Iraqi cooperation and emboldens our enemy.

In a 'sweeps' period stunt, ABC's '"Nightline" plans to air a roll call of U.S. troops that have died in combat in Iraq. The show will be pre-empted in several markets by its' parent company who has realized the political agenda:


NEW YORK — A major broadcast group is planning to block its ABC-affiliated stations from airing a "Nightline" tribute to fallen U.S. troops in Iraq because it contends the program is a political statement disguised as news.

Ted Koppel will devote the entire half-hour of "Nightline" Friday to reading names and showing photographs of the more than 500 U.S. servicemen and women killed in action in Iraq , ABC announced Wednesday.

Each service member's photo will be shown, along with his or her name, military branch, rank and age as Koppel reads the name aloud. Since the ABC News broadcast is just 30 minutes, it will include only those killed in action in Iraq since March 19, 2003, as certified by the Defense Department.

On its Web site Sinclair Broadcasting said, "Despite the denials by a spokeswoman for the show, the action appears to be motivated by a political agenda designed to undermine the efforts of the United States in Iraq."

The statement goes on to say that Sinclair would support "an honest effort to honor the memory of these brave soldiers," but the group does not believe that is the case with the "Nightline" plan.

"Mr. Koppel and 'Nightline' are hiding behind this so-called tribute in an effort to highlight only one aspect of the war effort and in doing so to influence public opinion against the military action in Iraq."

The Left is the literal meaning of "The Enemy Within." They are promoting crimes against this nation when they try to sell their ideology of political correctness, affirmitative action, cultural diversity, decadence, pornography, promoting anti-church and anti-family in our schools, newspapers, on television, in films, little by little, inch by inch until one day we find America is on the road to becoming a socialist nation.
:rolleyes: so your saying we all have to fit into your ideal bullshit society to be perfect? sorry I tend not to trust religion, I like porn and I feel America is supposed to be a melting pot of all sorts of people. not just one person. I thought America was supposed to pride itself in being culturally diverse
freako104 said:
I tend not to trust religion, I like porn and I feel America is supposed to be a melting pot of all sorts of people. not just one person.

And look how confused you are.

I thought America was supposed to pride itself in being culturally diverse.

Come, bring your traditions, heritage, ethnic & cultural differences & meld them into ours. That is the way it should happen. Since our downfall began it has become: Come, bring your traditions, heritage, ethnic & cultural differences & ignore what we've worked hard for over 200 years to establish. Destroy our, and ultimately your, way of life.
I am not changing who I am for anyone Gonz. Everyone I know feels that same way. I think people should come and bring their traditions but nobody who doesnt want to participate doesnt have to