Interesting read.
In Bushworld, our troops go to war and get killed, but you never see the bodies coming home.
Well...yes, but this has been the case for a long time, not just Bush. I personally don't find it necessary to expose our fallen troops to public exposure. It seems less dignified; obviously you have a different opinion.
In Bushworld, flag-draped remains of the fallen are important to revere and show the nation, but only in political ads hawking the president's leadership against terror.
I agree with you on this one. Using pictures of fallen troops is not the way to campaign.
In Bushworld, we can create an exciting Iraqi democracy as long as it doesn't control its own military, pass any laws or have any power.
Give it some time. Democracies usually aren't born over night; especially in nations that have never experienced a democratic governemnt.
In Bushworld, we can win over Falluja by bulldozing it.
If negotiations fail, is there a reasonable alternative?
In Bushworld, it was worth going to war so Iraqis can express their feelings ("Down With America!") without having their tongues cut out, although we cannot yet allow them to express intemperate feelings in newspapers ("Down With America!") without shutting them down.
Actually, in all recent polls the majority of Iraqis still support the US invasion in Iraq. Most of them would also like self rule, but the safety of their country is a larger consideration.
In Bushworld, it's fine to take $700 million that Congress provided for the war in Afghanistan and 9/11 recovery and divert it to the war in Iraq that you're insisting you're not planning.
In all reality, $700 million is really not much money considering what kind of dough we're really putting into the war. You are right though; if congress approved those funds for Afghanistan, they should be going there.
In Bushworld, you don't consult your father, the expert in being president during a war with Iraq, but you do talk to your Higher Father, who can't talk back to warn you to get an exit strategy or chide you for using Him for political purposes.
Are you a big fan of Bush Sr ? Are you critisizing Bush for being a Christian? When was the last time we had a President that wasn't a Christian (or at least claimed to be)?
In Bushworld, it's O.K. to run for re-election as the avenger of 9/11, even as you make secret deals with the Arab kingdom where most of the 9/11 hijackers came from.
Now this caught be by surprise! I thought that you of all people would not pushing for the invasion of Saudi Arabia!
In Bushworld, you get to strut around like a tough military guy and paint your rival as a chicken hawk, even though he's the one who won medals in combat and was praised by his superior officers for fulfilling all his obligations.
Yes, it's just a big pissing contest. It really doesn't matter at all. I don't care if Bush or Kerry recieved 14 purple hearts and 5 medals of honor, it doesn't have anything to do with the job of being President.
In Bushworld, it makes sense to press for transparency in Mr. and Mrs. Rival while cultivating your own opacity.
Highlight your strenghths, hide your weaknesses; expose the opponents weaknesses - I don't see how he is different from any other polotician in this regard?
In Bushworld, you can reign as the antiterror president even after hearing an intelligence report about Al Qaeda's plans to attack America and then stepping outside to clear brush.
Do you realize how many briefings the President goes through each day? If he responded at each hint of trouble by evacuating entire cities, I doubt you would be praising him.
In Bushworld, those who dissemble about the troops and money it will take to get Iraq on its feet are patriots, while those who are honest are patronizingly marginalized.
There is some truth to this.
In Bushworld, they struggle to keep church and state separate in Iraq, even as they increasingly merge the two in America.
I am actually shocked by this statement. The church and state have definetly been moving away from each other in the past few decades, and even more so in the past century.
In Bushworld, you can claim to be the environmental president on Earth Day while being the industry president every other day.
That is kind of funny. I don't know what that is supposed to prove though.
In Bushworld, you brag about how well Afghanistan is going, even though soldiers like Pat Tillman are still dying and the Taliban are running freely around the border areas, hiding Osama and delaying elections.
A war with no's a nice thought. How can you take over a large nation, losing only hundreds of soldiers in the process, and call it a failiure?
In Bushworld, imperfect intelligence is good enough to knock over Iraq. But even better evidence that North Korea is building the weapons that Saddam could only dream about is hidden away.
People make decisions based on information. Sometimes this information is not concrete, other times it is. Bush thought that there was enough evidence to warrent an invasion. The pros outweighed the cons. As I see it, he gambled and lost. Now he's just trying to make the best of it.
In Bushworld, the C.I.A. says it can't find out whether there are W.M.D. in Iraq unless we invade on the grounds that there are W.M.D.
I believe you are criticizing the CIA now, not the President. The President did not create the CIA, nor does he lay down the guidelines for how it attains data.
In Bushworld, there's no irony that so many who did so much to avoid the Vietnam draft have now strained the military so much that lawmakers are talking about bringing back the draft.
If there is a president to blame for that, it would be Clinton (although Bush Sr. did start the reductions towards the end of his term.) By 1994, our armed forces had been reduced to about 75% of what they were at the end of Reagan's term. Between 1992 and 2000, about half a million national defense personnel were removed from the armed forces. President Bush inherited this reduced military; he didn't create it.
In Bushworld, we're making progress in the war on terror by fighting a war that creates terrorists.
Perhaps more problems are being created than solved. If we do succeed in Iraq, I believe that it will just make the Terrorist burn with even more rage thanthey do now. On the other hand, if we succeed in Iraq and it is transformed into a rapidly developing country, we will see much broader support from many foreign nations that had previously been critical of our actions.
In Bushworld, you don't need to bother asking your vice president and top Defense Department officials whether you should go to war in Iraq, because they've already maneuvered you into going to war.
True enough. I don't think that there was very much senior leadership strongly opposed to the war.
In Bushworld, it's perfectly natural for the president and vice president to appear before the 9/11 commission like the Olsen twins.
Ok, we're really trying to grab onto some here...anything.
In Bushworld, we went to war to give Iraq a democratic process, yet we disdain the democratic process that causes allies to pull out troops.
We do not disdain the process. I think we were just disappointed that a few nations did not decide to help with the effort (even if they were not involved militarily). I don't believe anyone, including the President, is pushing to "change the system".
In Bushworld, you pride yourself on the fact that your administration does not leak to the press, while you flood the best-known journalist in Washington with inside information.
Politics at its core.