but i've already read that already!


New Member
so you know when you have a new post to read in a forum and the icon is "lit up"? and then you read it and it goes out? mine doesn't do that anymore for some reason....why?
read (or pretend to read) to the end of the thread & hit he forum jump GO button...works for me anyway
fury's explained it to me but I don't get it :(
When it happens I just mark all forums read and start over. :eh:
Gonz said:
read (or pretend to read) to the end of the thread & hit he forum jump GO button...works for me anyway
yeah...that's what i am accustom to doing. no worky anymore.
thanks les...guess that's the easiest way to fix it.
tonksy said:
so you know when you have a new post to read in a forum and the icon is "lit up"? and then you read it and it goes out? mine doesn't do that anymore for some reason....why?
Probably stale cookies. Go to Documents and Settings\your username\Cookies and delete the ones set for otcentral.com and www.otcentral.com (for some reason it always sets a cookie for both even if you only use one or the other) and then restart your browser.