"But why, Daddy?""Because I said so."

kuulani said:
Well, in that case, I'm going to use that word as often as I can today in my classes :D

As long as you use it in the right context, everything will be fine. :grinyes:
unclehobart said:
My utility bills in the dead of winter are doing a fine enough job of telling me to piss off.

Imagine moving your house up here to the great white north...imagine the cost THEN :lloyd:
I always say what part of "NO" dont you understand?
You'll understand the "O" part when I spank your hiney and you go "OOOOOO"!!!!! :devious:
Inkara1 said:
My apartment is one of eight on a septic system.

Get everyone to fill the bathtubs, then drain them, and flush all the toilets at the same time. Watch the grass float.
I can't speak for the two apartments across the parking lot, but the three in the building I'm in and the three in the one next to it are shower-only. No tubs. And the showers are tiny.

Not only that, I can't figure out anywhere besides under the asphalt that the septic tank could possibly be on this property. It would probably make the asphalt split up and then knock my car out of alignment every time I park.