Bye bye chickie

Oh yeah I've been seriously pwned.

OK Freako,
as evidenced by the results of the last American election, either you have upstanding morals and aren't really liberal or are indeed a poster child for liberalism and your morals probably follow along the same lines.

shall we put this to a test?
Winky said:
Oh yeah I've been seriously pwned.

OK Freako,
as evidenced by the results of the last American election, either you have upstanding morals and aren't really liberal or are indeed a poster child for liberalism and your morals probably follow along the same lines.

shall we put this to a test?

for the most part I am liberal but in some areas I am conservative. But this is honestly the first time I have been told I am not really liberal. I read your link and I feel that Stalin and Mugambe are some of the worst dictators in history. I dont see how being left or right affects anyones view of them. They took numerous lives in their lust for power
Winky, this is absolutely baseless and insulting.

if we're getting down to slinging juvenile and thoughtless insults, I am rubber, you are glue. whatever bounces off of me sticks to you.
Here's the parallel with your hypothesis here. We libbies all hail heinous commie dictators, therefore you righties all Heil Hitler.
nah, I'll bitch him out on AIM later while he laughs at me, then I'll bust into fits of giggles and he'll make me a cheese omelet, hold the bacon. :lloyd:
We righties kicked the shit out of Hitler. You libbies traded with Stalin. ;)
Gonz said:
We righties kicked the shit out of Hitler. You libbies traded with Stalin. ;)

There were plenty of liberals kicking the Crap out of hHtler and Tojo and the Emporer. How do you think FDR got electd 4 times?
markjs said:
There were plenty of liberals kicking the Crap out of hHtler and Tojo and the Emporer. How do you think FDR got electd 4 times?

Stolen elections. Probably FL & OH.
No, he ws fascist. However, to play your game, Yes, freak, Hitler was a conservative. Once again I am forced to point out that conservatives police their own & take 'em down when need be....liberlas become friends & make movies about their evil side.
Everyone that equates capitalism with
fascism raise their right hand.

That's some funny shit RM. You do know that you have way too much time on your hands don't you :D
Good .... god .... I almost forgot that Nimoy did records like that.

*scurries into the corner and buries self under cuddly security blanket*
my dad used to have one. I never heard it but I never knew why he had it.

Liberals tend to want to know why the person did what they did Gonz. It would be useful to try to stop it from happening again.

Capitalism is an economic plan. Facism is a form of government. They CAN go together but that does not mean they do