Bypassing Admin rights..?


Kissy Goddess
Is there a way of bypassing the *you can't install that you don't have admin rights* when installing MSN?
Leslie said:

Silly Les, that isn't MSN :D

This will allow you to log onto MSN from online...As for installing it...if you're at home then log in as whoever is the main account on the computer, they should have admin privledges...if you're at work don't do it...they tool away the privledges for a could get shit.
Nixy said:
if you're at work don't do it...they tool away the privledges for a could get shit.
Alot of shit, I've seen people get suspended for it.
if you're doing things that will get you in shit you may as well boot from a live cd and reset the admin password to one more of your liking, or grab a copy of the registry and brute force the existing password.
tommyj27 said:
if you're doing things that will get you in shit you may as well boot from a live cd and reset the admin password to one more of your liking, or grab a copy of the registry and brute force the existing password.