cain is really done now

Herman ..Herman ..Herman

He's more popular than ever.
He's goin' all the way, 'cause the Dems can't figure him out, and have
no defense against him.
Then some of the other Rep contenders can't figure him either, and they are
stumped at how to corral him, so the mudslinging has begun in earnest.
It won't help them though....only hurt them farther.

Who needs big money and a big campaign when you have the kind of coverage he's getting now.:laugh3:
re-elect Mugabe

He's as electable as Sarah Palin

Just another distraction until they give us Mitt to vote for

America is doomed
See what?

Mitt the rino gets elected and continues Osama's socialist policies?

There, I just saved you the trouble of having to watch
the continued destruction of your country.

Re: re-elect Mugabe

He's as electable as Sarah Palin

well you got that one right.

mitt the dick salesman will get the nomination. at least he seems like a corporate-level salesman. perry seems like he just came off the used car lot.
Mitt Romney's America

yeah push them Democrat swine away from the public trough

and let them Evil Republicans slurp that shit up instead
foresight Goth?
you mean conspiracy theorizing?

Cain doesn't try to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
yep. but the two we've seen are blond hussies. when the rest come out, and they fit the mold...

well that would be fucking hilarious.
foresight Goth?
you mean conspiracy theorizing?

Cain doesn't try to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

What are you talking about? Did you check out the links? Cain did not see the economic crises coming and when it started to show its ugly head he then tried to undermine it. Paul, on the other hand, saw it coming and hammered it right on the nail.