cain is really done now

your reply makes sense given what i'd imagine about your behaviors.

This is no big thing.

This just a personal matter between consenting adults.

This is none of the public's business.

This was merely a terrible moral error.

Cain's private life is peripheral to the race.

This woman was sent in by the democrats to seduce and bring down Cain.

I can't remember a president who didn't have an affair with somebody.

So what if he admits it! The people say they don't care.

Isn't this an attempt to punish Cain for what some people consider "immoral" behavior? Shouldn't we be worried about letting people impose their view of morality on others?

This is sexual McCarthyism! This is a witch hunt!

Isn't this just about sex?
no, it's not just semantics. your comment lacks appreciation for the scale of our fucked-ness.

escape the bubble and learn, young lad!

bah, as soon as we get a REAL leader in office, just watch how fast this thing spins around.
right. and ron paul having character somehow excuses his absurdity?

get a fucking grip dude.

It looks like you cannot distinguish between fact and opinion. Gingrich cheated on his wife - fact. Paul is absurd - opinion.

There is your lesson for today, son.
This is no big thing.

This just a personal matter between consenting adults.

This is none of the public's business.

This was merely a terrible moral error.

Cain's private life is peripheral to the race.

This woman was sent in by the democrats to seduce and bring down Cain.

I can't remember a president who didn't have an affair with somebody.

So what if he admits it! The people say they don't care.

Isn't this an attempt to punish Cain for what some people consider "immoral" behavior? Shouldn't we be worried about letting people impose their view of morality on others?

This is sexual McCarthyism! This is a witch hunt!

Isn't this just about sex?

When you run for public office you are no longer a private citizen. If true, these sex scandals do matter. A president is held to a higher standard. What is more shocking, a bum drug addict raping a woman who happen to cross his alley or a priest molesting a child?
He wasn't a Christian then.
Yeah, I'm one of those that believe people Caaaaan change, just that it doesn't
really happen that often.

I simply think Newt is one that can pull us out of this mess fiscally.

Eh? All you got is his word. That was all his wife had too. If you needed a baby sitter and you know a guy who once molested children but later "changed" and converted to Christianity, would you trust him to babysit your children?

Paul would cut spending by $1 trillion and balance the budget within 3 years while abolishing 5 federal agencies. What is Gingrich's plan?
Eh? All you got is his word. That was all his wife had too. If you needed a baby sitter and you know a guy who once molested children but later "changed" and converted to Christianity, would you trust him to babysit your children?

Paul would cut spending by $1 trillion and balance the budget within 3 years while abolishing 5 federal agencies. What is Gingrich's plan?

I wanna see Newt debate Obama.
Obama would eat Paul alive.
It looks like you cannot distinguish between fact and opinion. Gingrich cheated on his wife - fact. Paul is absurd - opinion.

There is your lesson for today, son.

wow lessons from the boy in the bubble! paul is absurd, your identity trip notwithstanding...
I wanna see Newt debate Obama.
Obama would eat Paul alive.

Well, Paul is not as great as a speaker as Obama or Gingrich. But that is not as important to what Paul would get done.

I do not believe Obama would beat Paul in a debate, especially in a Lincoln/Douglass style debate that Gingrich advocates (I like that form of debate as well). Paul may not have fluff, but he has substance.
paul won't be in a debate with obama. notice none of the other candidates aren't really attacking him? they don't need to.
your reply makes sense given what i'd imagine about your behaviors.

Those were simply all of the excuses they used during the Clinton - Lewinsky affair and the reason that this matters not a whit. The precedent has been set.
It seems that all of Cain's accusers have a history of financial problems.


Cain Accuser Served With Eviction Papers in Illinois

Published December 01, 2011 | Associated Press

GLENVIEW, Ill. – An Illinois woman who claims Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain groped her when she went to him for help finding a job has been served with eviction papers.

Cook County Sheriff's spokesman Frank Bilecki says deputies on Tuesday served the papers on Sharon Bialek's 13-year-old son because the woman wasn't at home.

Bilecki says Illinois law allows minors who live in the home to sign for a summons. It requires Bialek, who couldn't be reached for comment, to appear in court.

Bilecki says the owner of Bialek's townhome in the Chicago suburb of Glenview began the eviction process after she failed to pay $7,500 in back rent.

Bialek stood with high-profile lawyer Gloria Allred while accusing Cain of trying to force himself on her. Cain denies the allegation.
And as for Ginger White ...

Why is it we always have to go to the foreign press for the details the American press leaves out?


Revealed: Penniless single mother who claims she had 13-year affair with Herman Cain accused ex-boss of sexual harassment (and 'stalked' another former employer)

  • Ginger White says the affair ended only eight months ago
  • Mr Cain pre-emptively denied her allegations before story fully emerged
  • Ms White says she was whisked across the country to meet Mr Cain at his speaking engagements for their trysts
  • She has been evicted numerous times, including this month

By Michael Zennie

Last updated at 3:45 PM on 29th November 2011

The single mother accusing Herman Cain of flying her across the U.S. so they could have a 13-year affair once sued a former employer for sexual harassment, it was revealed today.

Ginger White, from Atlanta, Georgia, says the Republican presidential candidate wined and dined her at the Four Seasons and other fine restaurants and hotels throughout their relationship, which ended only eight months ago.

But Ms White is an unemployed single mother-of-two with numerous evictions on her record - including one just this month.

In 2001 she filed a sexual harassment claim against her former employer, which was later settled.

She also had a protection order sought against her by an ex-business partner, reported WAGA. The partner, Kimberly Vay, also reportedly filed a successful libel suit against Ms White.

Mr Cain denied the affair, but a statement from his attorney side-steps the question entirely by claiming the allegations are not a matter open for public scrutiny.

But they represent the most serious claims yet against Mr Cain, who has been accused of sexual harassment against four other women.

And Mr Cain began defending himself before the allegations even surfaced. He broke the news himself on CNN that Ms White would make claims against him.

'This appears to be an accusation of private, alleged consensual conduct between adults - a subject matter which is not a proper subject of inquiry by the media or the public,' said a statement from Mr Cain's lawyer.

The statement, however, does not explicitly deny the affair.

In an interview with Fox 5 in Atlanta yesterday, Ms White said she was only coming forward because she was afraid someone would tell her story before she herself could.

'I'm not proud,' she said. 'I did not want to do this. I did not.'

Mr Cain has been accused of sexual harassment by four other women, two of whom have come forward publicly with their allegations.

However, to this point, the only accusations were about inappropriate advances or comments. Ms White is saying he cheated on his wife for more than a decade

'It was pretty simple. It wasn't complicated,' she told the local TV station. 'I was aware that he was married. And I was also aware I was involved in a very inappropriate situation, relationship.'

Mr Cain has been married to his wife Gloria since 1968. Both have vehemently denied allegations of sexual harassment.

And Mr Cain's denial of the new allegations were similarly complete.

'I just wanted to give you a heads up and your audience a heads up, "Here we go again,"' he told Wolf Blitzer on CNN's Situation Room.

The Georgia native said he knew the woman as an 'acquaintance who I thought was a friend.'

He denied having an affair, instead saying he tried to help her with financial problems.

Mr Cain said he would not drop out of the race and said he wasn't concerned that the allegations would hurt his candidacy.

'I'm more concerned what this will do to my family,' he told the CNN host.

Instead, Mr Cain deflected the criticism and said the allegations were part of an extended conspiracy to keep him out of office.

As proof of the lengthy relationship, Ms White offered her mobile phone, which has Mr Cain's private number.

Ms White also showed mobile phone records dating back four months that have 61 phone calls and text messages to or from Mr Cain as early as 4.26am and as late as 7.52pm.

'He made it very intriguing,' Ms White told FOX 5. 'It was fun. It was something that took me away from my humdrum life at the time. And it was exciting.'

Ms White said the two met in Louisville, Kentucky, in the late 1990s when Mr Cain was the president of the National Restaurant Association.

That night, she says, Mr Cain took her out for drinks and then invited her up to his hotel room.

'I'd like to see you again. You are beautiful to me, and I would love for us to continue this friendship,' Ms White claims Mr Cain told her.

From then, he paid for her to fly to his speaking engagements across the country, where he put her up in fancy hotels and restaurants like the Ritz Carlton and the Four Seasons.

Ms White has a checkered background, Fox 5 reports. She's an unemployed single mother of two children with numerous evictions on her record in Georgia - including one just this month.

She is currently unemployed and was sued by her former business partner. But she says her story is still credible.

'There would make no sense for me to come out with these allegations against Herman if it absolutely wasn't true,' she said.
yes there are dozens of people that have wrongly accused herman cain. either that, or, um, he took advantage of the more pathetic women he ran across because it was relatively easy. hmmm, never heard that one before! :retard:
more like guilty by obviousness. he's not that much of a serious player to begin with. he's a smug little twit. everyone not in love with him realizes that.
not that much of a player?.....

so are you saying he innocent, or you think he's guilty.
You seem to have a conflict there in your thinking.
my poor choice of words.

i meant that he is not a serious player in the sense of being a serious candidate. he's undermined himself in a lot of ways. i just can't take him seriously as a potential president. he's a mildly-witty self-promoter. sorry, but apparently you gotta be a major-league douchebag to get my attention.