Cali wife guilty of killing hubby

So at its start, this had a 36 YO therapist eventually marrying what was his 14 YO patient?

Sounds like there was plenty o' crazy to go around.
Susan Polk's second-degree murder conviction ended a circus-like trial in which Polk, acting as her own attorney, discussed her psychic powers and cross-examined two of her sons.

Talking about having a fool for a lawyer, if she is truely "psychic" she would have known the outcome of the trial..

While on the stand, Polk discussed secret government experiments, psychic powers and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, claiming she could have thwarted the World Trade Center attacks if her husband hadn't prevented her from alerting authorities.

That adds another paranoid chapter....
In perhaps the trial's most memorable moment, Polk's son Adam called his mother "bonkers" and "cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs" on the witness stand. The judge had to hold back laughter.

MARTINEZ, Calif. - A suburban housewife was convicted Friday of stabbing to death her millionaire psychotherapist husband, whom she had met as a 14-year-old girl in treatment.

"We didn't think Susan was credible," said jury foreman Lisa Cristwell. Juror Kathy Sommese said Polk was "delusional."

And to think she acted as her own lawyer too. :eek6: