California lawmakers to allow condoms in prisons


New Member
Condoms? I have a better idea, go with a proactive birthcontrol program that is tied in with the death penalty...
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - California lawmakers passed a bill on Thursday to permit condom distribution in the state's prisons, where the HIV infection rate is eight times higher than on the streets of Los Angeles.

The bill now goes to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has not yet taken a position on it, according to his office.

California has the largest corrections system in the United States, with 162,000 mostly male inmates. Supporters say condoms are needed to stop the spread of HIV and AIDS among inmates and protect sexual partners of released prisoners.

The bill's author, Assemblyman Paul Koretz, said the HIV rate in state prisons is estimated to be eight times greater than among the general population of Los Angeles County.
where the HIV infection rate is eight times higher than on the streets of Los Angeles.


Oh, wait
estimated to be eight times greater than among the general population of Los Angeles County.

It is or we pretend it is? What, they can't figure out who has HIV in prison?
So when you are about to be gang raped in the shower are you suppose to say "Pardon me, but do you might wearing these condoms? Here, let me pass them around".
Howzabout injecting everyone in prison with anti-hardon drugs during their visit with the state? They might as well not be able to masturbate either. Thats a privelidge of the free world.
Howzabout injecting everyone in prison with anti-hardon drugs during their visit with the state? They might as well not be able to masturbate either. Thats a privelidge of the free world.

That's the best idea I've heard this week.
say what? Tattooing is a business. Hey, at least its state gov't not the feds.

Yup. States (Missouri I think is one) are paying tattoo artists to make the rounds to prisons and tattoo inmates in an effort to reduce contraband, disease, and violence in prisons. It also provides a nice little record of who is getting what tattooed, so if Inmate A is getting an Aryan Brotherhood tat and Inmate B is getting a Bloods tat, they know it.
Yup. States (Missouri I think is one) are paying tattoo artists to make the rounds to prisons and tattoo inmates in an effort to reduce contraband, disease, and violence in prisons. It also provides a nice little record of who is getting what tattooed, so if Inmate A is getting an Aryan Brotherhood tat and Inmate B is getting a Bloods tat, they know it.

so that way they know who to shoot prior to their release date?
Yup. States (Missouri I think is one) are paying tattoo artists to make the rounds to prisons and tattoo inmates in an effort to reduce contraband, disease, and violence in prisons. It also provides a nice little record of who is getting what tattooed, so if Inmate A is getting an Aryan Brotherhood tat and Inmate B is getting a Bloods tat, they know it.
I think you're mistaken there, at least with the state. Wife used to work in a prison, and I work in the Capitol city, I've never heard of it.