1. Cutting them off the effing frog usually helps
.. that or skewers if they're sadistic fresh. B.) I would have to say Lodge if you meant company brand... or a medium saucepan if you meant type.
2. Both wet style sauces that I know from NC and Memphis are tomato based and relatively sweet. NC stlye is really sweet as its mostly brown sugar. Memphis style relates closer to worcestershire flavors. Memphis is also knows for dry rubs over wet sauces in many cases. I didn't know which way you meant. Macon on the other hand is a pork base with mustard sauce
3.I fear that being too close to the big city deprives me of much fishing knowledge... but it would seem that minnows would be my logical choice as a bad bait.
4. Aww crud... lets see... black at the funeral... green drapes after the war ... the first scene of the movie... hmmm... I seem to remember that sucker being white with green tones in it. I saw it about 2 months ago.