can i scream for a second


Well-Known Member

im better sorry everyone for that but im kinda scared right now and i dont know what i want right now and im scared as to whether i am making the right decision to leave my home. and i have a little over a week left before i go.
freako104 said:
im better sorry everyone for that but im kinda scared right now and i dont know what i want right now and im scared as to whether i am making the right decision to leave my home. and i have a little over a week left before i go.

I don't know the story, but if you need to vent, or want to talk...

It is a worrysome'll be fine, unless know you get into realy bad trouble and have to depend on being a prostitue to feed yourself....
heres the whole thing os you all know. theres a girl. were going to ozzfest together and i think im in love with her. problem is we never met in real life yet. and shes pregnant. and i dont know the whole situation there but she as far as i know is single. and she said she was sad but understood that im leaving. i dont want to lose her nor leave her. thats a part of it. and i only saw the town ill be in once in my life. i only knew Md(maryland) all my life. all my friends ive known all my life except those online(and even some online) are here.(except as i said here in OT central and jjr512 and xi and others from goth personals) so i wont know anyone really. that scares me. so ill be somewhere new and id like to be the one with Miranda(thats who im going to the ozzfest with on the 22) the day after ozzfest I will be going to NC for the new school). but im scared that if i go(and i am going to) i may not want to come back if i like it and i dont want to lose her.
You are steeping beyond the life you've always known..hell yeah it will be scary.....but once you build your life somewhere else and look back i am sure will smile.
We are always affraid of drastic changes in our lives, i've come to realize that we are always affraid of losing what we have or what we might have right now, but we never think of what we will have in the future if we decide to make the change.

About the girl, well, you don't know her IRL yet, you might love the way she is online, but you don't know how she is IRL. Or the flip side, she might not like you once you met. Or maybe it will be the same.......either way, don't try to fast fordward time in your head, it'll only give you a few headaches and no peace to think properly.
you have a point luis but i will say ive spoken with her on the phone as well as online and when we speak either on the phone or online we do relate pretty well that i can tell and theres something about her i really like. but your right it might just be online we like each other.
i should say this too. you sound a lot like me when im trying to be comforting. kidna weird to hear my own advice given back to me but thanks :)
freako104 said:
i should say this too. you sound a lot like me when im trying to be comforting. kidna weird to hear my own advice given back to me but thanks :)

Yeah, i know the feeling, that's why i try so hard to listen to my own advices when i'm in trouble, unfortunately, i can't :confused:
freako, you have to trust me on this one, knowing people online and then meeting them IRL is VERY different. I know this, I've done it quite a few times.

Don't make a life decision about someone who you've never met or on one night with her. Please, don't. Do what you were planning on doing and force yourself if you have to. You need to go to college and experience something completely different, you don't need to be a father for this girl's child that you don't really know that well. I sound really callous right now, I know. But I'm certain this is the right thing to do, for you to go on as planned.

Even if you think you hate this new place, give it a year, a whole year, before you make any decisions about leaving. So many of my friends hated going away to college at first and they tried to come home every weekend. But after a while, they got tired of coming home all the time, made some friends and looking back, they don't regret any of it. You won't either if you really try and go there with an open mind. :hug:
you dont sound callous gf. your right i dont know her very well. i dont want to be the father unless she turns out to have the same personality IRL and online. and if something should happen then ill be gld to help her if not then i wont be. but again i do thank you for the advice and for standing by me. i have said i will give this new place sometime before i decide whether i want to go back to Montgomery College back home and find another school or stay in NC.:hug: thanks everyone
greenfreak said:
freako, you have to trust me on this one, knowing people online and then meeting them IRL is VERY different. I know this, I've done it quite a few times.

Don't make a life decision about someone who you've never met or on one night with her. Please, don't. Do what you were planning on doing and force yourself if you have to. You need to go to college and experience something completely different, you don't need to be a father for this girl's child that you don't really know that well. I sound really callous right now, I know. But I'm certain this is the right thing to do, for you to go on as planned.

Even if you think you hate this new place, give it a year, a whole year, before you make any decisions about leaving. So many of my friends hated going away to college at first and they tried to come home every weekend. But after a while, they got tired of coming home all the time, made some friends and looking back, they don't regret any of it. You won't either if you really try and go there with an open mind. :hug:
And there I was going to encourage you with the online relationship but Trish has a point there. I may have been with my girlfriend who I met through ICQ for over a year I will admit that I have been one of the lucky ones. Dont rush into something that you arent sure of yet.

Regarding school/uni/college/whatever. Scary prospect during the run up to it. I was damn scared of leaving everything I knew too. But once I got there it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. Uni life was the most fun I have ever had. But (and I dont wanna be the voice of doom here) you have to very responsible too because there is no-one there to 'hold your hand' so you gotta look out for yourself. If you dont you end up like me almost dying and subsequently failing. But yeah its not all bad :)

That was my (inarticulate) way of trying to help. I apologise if it doesnt