I've always thought that most "stage" fortune tellers and psychics are frauds... but I do believe that there are the "real deal" out there... some frauds may even be slightly "real" so that has spured them on to make a living from it... "slightly sensitive" so to speak.
Such slightly sensitives use set questions and statements that can relate to most people... very open ended... like...
"There has been an experience of pain"
That could be emotional, physical, psychological... yours, a friends, lovers etc... Narrow it down a bit!!!!
Fortune tellers that you invite to the home simply read your house... to know you! You have all your possessions, photos, tastes there laid out for them to utilise!
Same with stage artists they can read your clothing picking up on visual clues... most are excellent readers of body language, expression... such an ability is still a gift though...
Friends have often said that I could be "slightly sensitive" in that way.