Can they hear me now?

Well, the government had free range on our phone calls up until the 1960's, right?. Then the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional to tap your phone without a warrant. Hopefully this will go to the Supreme Court and this will all end again as Rand has planned:


We do have a problem.
We must be willing to give up more and more of our freedoms
for legal reasons, mind you, and not because it's a ridiculous plot device
those with the least use for freedom seem to complain about not having it the most.

you're a ridiculous plot device.
those with the least use for freedom have no right to complain
about losing the freedoms they the have the least right too
too lose a freedom one hasn't the need for is not a loss at all
circular reasoning always ends you up where you began

I am a well worn plot device

petitio principii
Well, it's certainly clear you'd never bother to get off your fat ass to do anything

LMAO dude. nice "pure spite" post.

did you want to respond to anything related to the discussion, or did you just want to piss into the wind?

seriously thanks for the laff. HAH.
did you want to respond to anything related to the discussion, or did you just want to piss into the wind?

I started the thread. You've said nothing of value, as is typical, so I'm generally ignoring your useless posts.
No one in their right mind is going to resist this regime.
Unless of course you want the IRS auditing you for the rest of your life,
the justice department reading every post you make on OTC
and the death panels sentencing all your family members to slow painful deaths?
I started the thread. You've said nothing of value, as is typical, so I'm generally ignoring your useless posts.

LOL yeah you can rationalize it any way you want buddy, but it's obvious you have run out of stock material, and that's all you ever got.

No one in their right mind is going to resist this regime.
Unless of course you want the IRS auditing you for the rst of your life,
the justice department reading every post you make on OTC
and the death panels sentencing all your family members to slow painful deaths?

Interestingly enough...notice how the suggested checks for certain types of cancer have been moved up to later in life...