Canada...looking at the American system


molṑn labé
Staff member
TORONTO (Reuters) – Pressured by an aging population and the need to rein in budget deficits, Canada's provinces are taking tough measures to curb healthcare costs, a trend that could erode the principles of the popular state-funded system.

Ontario, Canada's most populous province, kicked off a fierce battle with drug companies and pharmacies when it said earlier this year it would halve generic drug prices and eliminate "incentive fees" to generic drug manufacturers.


Thatcher said:
The trouble with socialism is that eventually run out of other people's money
No Gonz..we're not looking at the American system... we're just trying to cut the fat a bit from our existing system. The fat, in this case, will be the money going to the pharma industry.
I think that they make enough money to pay for their own R&D .. hell, most company's R&D budget is 1/4 that of their advertising/marketing budget. They're basically reformulating existing products.. nuthin' new under the sun
Well then, the sun must be good for aging cause we're not dying at 45 anymore
Diet (amount of food, proteins available and variety) and medical interventions (mostly disease control) is doing far more to lengthen lifespans than pharma can offer.