Canadian Couple Arrested At U.S. Border For Asking Questions


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Couple Arrested At U.S. Border For Asking Questions

Immigration official demands to know what shops Canadian man and his wife plan to visit

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

In another perfect illustration of why the U.S. tourist industry is in free fall, audio has emerged of a Canadian couple who were interrogated and arrested by immigration officials after they dared to inquire as to why they were being asked such pointless and invasive questions.

Attempting to enter the U.S. at the Niagara Falls border, the couple were asked where they were going, to which they responded the Niagara Falls shopping mall. When the immigration official bizarrely demanded to know what shops they were planning to visit, the situation quickly worsened.

After daring to ask why they were being bombarded with such ridiculous questions, they were told to exit their car and are taken inside for further interrogation by another official. When the Canadian man rhetorically asks, “what are you gonna do, shoot me” the officials claim he is threatening them before he is arrested.

Officials claim the man “assaulted” them because he backed away for a moment when being arrested. The officials claim that their victims are required to submit to whatever order they give no matter how ridiculous.

To underscore the ludicrous justifications officials use for harassing people, the officer claims he personally stops three terrorists a day entering the United States from Canada. One wonders whether he characterizes a “terrorist” as someone who doesn’t instantly obey his every inane command.

Despite his pleas, the man and his wife are thrown in jail, at which point the audio ends.

Let us not forget that the United States does not stand alone in employing semi-retarded jackbooted goons who specialize in harassing innocent people to enforce security at its borders.

Before arriving in Ottawa to cover the 2006 Bilderberg conference, Alex Jones and his team were detained for 15 hours and put through a nightmare of interrogation, accusations and threats of arrest by Canadian immigration officials. Customs openly told Jones as soon as they brought him into custody that the Bilderberg Group was aware of his arrival and that this was the reason for his detainment. All three members of the team were instantly detained despite going through different immigration desks.

Watch the video below which contains the covertly recorded audio of the Canadian couple being harassed and arrested.

[click the source to listen to the audio]


You have to listen to the audio. It is quite ridiculous.

“On what grounds”, the man asks.

“We don’t need any grounds, this is the USA”, the officer replies.
wait, you mean US border folks are often pricks? REALLY??? golly, i've never encountered a prick when traveling from canada to the US.

oh, the oppression! it's a police state! and it's all obama's doing!
While what happened to these silly Canucks sucks...if you don't know enough not to piss off someone who holds the Ace, then you deserve what you get. There is a time & place for this...probbaly not when customs holds your ass.
Most of the time, if Customs has a minor issue like this, they'll basically just turn you around and back to your point of entry country. Sometimes they wake up on the wrong side of the bed and act like assholes, and it's illegal to let them know that they're acting like assholes.

Buddy probably had a bad day of his own and mouthed off to someone else who had a bad day.
I'm all for big brother. Government is our friend
Then I can't stand with you, sir. :) I need no big government to watch over me, thanks. ;) There are certain things that should be regulated by government but smaller is better.

"The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either."
- Benjamin Franklin