Canadian Victoria Cross


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OTTAWA - Leading veterans' organizations say Prime Minister Stephen Harper should kill any proposal to award the first Victoria Cross minted in Canada to the Unknown Soldier.
They say the Unknown Soldier is meant to honour all who have donned the uniform to fight for Canada, and that awarding the highest medal for bravery to him would violate the spirit behind the tribute.
Harper was noncommittal Tuesday when asked whether he planned to proceed with awarding the Canadian Victoria Cross to the Unknown Soldier.
"I haven't made a final decision," Harper told a news conference in Toronto. "We've actually had a mixed response from veterans' organizations, not all opposed but some opposed, some in favour and the government hasn't taken a final decision on that."
The remains of an anonymous soldier killed in the First World War were put in a concrete tomb and placed at the National War Memorial in Ottawa during a solemn ceremony in 2000. It is known as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Bob Butt, a spokesman for the Royal Canadian Legion, said the medal should go to a living soldier who is being honoured for bravery.
"It is the first Canadian Victoria Cross, and it should go to the fist Canadian who has earned it," Butt said in an interview.

Another option would be put it on display in the memorial chamber on Parliament Hill, he said.

The Victoria Cross, a British medal, has been presented to 1,350 soldiers, including to 94 Canadians. The last time a Canadian got the award was in 1945.

The Queen approved the creation of a Canadian Victoria Cross in 1993.
Butt acknowledged the idea of awarding the first Victoria Cross to the Unknown Soldier was initially embraced by some veterans, but he said most quickly changed their minds.

The idea is to honour those who "fought and died as a common soldier," and awarding the medal to the Unknown Soldier would unnecessarily elevate him, he said.

I have mixed feelings about this.
On one hand, giving the cross to the unknown soldier is a way of honouring all those who died in war.
On the other hand, it's ticking off the actual vets by promoting the common soldier that the unknown soldier represents to a new level.

I don't know which way to fall.
What is the honor for?

If it is only for bravery, then it's a good idea. If it is for specific merits under fire, then it's too personal & would diminish the meaning to those who went above & beyond.
The highest award for bravery by a military person in the presence of the enemy. In order of precedence, the Victoria Cross is the highest award, and is the most senior decoration. It takes precedence above all other medals and orders, including the George Cross.

This'll be the first Canadian Victoria Cross.

It's the trump card of all Medals.
The highest award for bravery by a military person in the presence of the enemy. In order of precedence, the Victoria Cross is the highest award, and is the most senior decoration. It takes precedence above all other medals and orders, including the George Cross.

This'll be the first Canadian Victoria Cross.

It's the trump card of all Medals.

Then it's not for a group.
That's basically what the vets are saying..that and it diminishes what the medal means.

I hope that our PM listens to the Vets for once.
I'd hope your PMs would always listen to those who put life & limb in jeopardy for their country.
I think they mostly do. Whenever whatever it is hits the newspapers anyway.