Can't have it both ways.

unclehobart said:
Banned when I was a kid:

Alochol and tobacco slogans
non-natural hair colors
spikes and studs (on jackets and armbands like Judas Priest used to wear)
tank tops
curse words, nudity, and lewd characters (such as someone giving 'the finger')
The 'stars and bars' flag was quietly discouraged but not banned yet.

Today its:

1. All students of the Cobb County School District shall be required to maintain the level of personal hygiene necessary to ensure a healthful school environment and to refrain from any mode of dress which proves to contribute to any disruption of school functions.

2. Administrators and teachers shall enforce the dress code rule, and the principal or his designee shall be the final judge as to the appropriateness, neatness and cleanliness of the wearing apparel, or whether or not apparel is disruptive, distractive or in violation of the dress code.

3. All students shall maintain an acceptable standard of dress. The minimum standard of dress for students shall be as follows:

a. Shoes shall be worn.
b. Midriffs shall be covered.
c. Appropriate under-garments must be worn and may not be visible.
d. Strapless garments must be worn with a jacket.
e. Tank-tops will not be permitted.
f. Appropriate shorts may be worn.
g. Caps or hats are not to be worn in the school buildings during the school day unless there is a special activity during which they are deemed appropriate by the school administration.
h. Clothing or ornamentation displaying or advertising substances illegal for minors is prohibited. Suggestive phrases, designs, markings, or profanities are also prohibited.
i. Clothing or ornamentation advocating, promoting, or suggesting illegal activity is also prohibited.

4. Parents or students who have specific questions about a garment's appropriateness should consult the local school student handbook and/or the local school administration.

...pretty much the same.

Damn did you go to a private school? I went to a public one and all we had were: Nothing offensive(no drug/alcohol related, no swearing on shirts, no spikes). That was about it tho(well nothing disruptive either I shouldmention that)

As far as flag goes: It is a flag. It is part of the South's and also America's history and heritage. I dont particularly agree with it per se but I dont think it should be banned. It is more in how people have used it that make it bad IMO