Can't sleep


New Member
It's 3am here, and I've tried getting to sleep for the past 2 hours. I've tried laying on either side, my back, and my stomach in the dark, eyes shut, no distractions, and I just can't get to sleep. I've settled on sitting at the comp until I collapse on the keyboard.

Anyone awake that has any tips for getting some shut eye?
Been there plenty of times. I've found I can't sleep if it's too quiet. I need music or TV at a soft level. Lately, I've been setting the bedroom TV to the weather channel and setting the sleep timer to an hour.
Inkara1 said:
Been there plenty of times. I've found I can't sleep if it's too quiet. I need music or TV at a soft level. Lately, I've been setting the bedroom TV to the weather channel and setting the sleep timer to an hour.

I'll try my fan, no tv in my room. Thanks!
I'll tell you what doesn't work... sitting on teh computer. I swear to god, I could keep awake all night if I let myself. :tardbang: Anyway, I usually find reading a book does it for me. 'Specially if it's one of the BF's comp manuals. ;)
FluerVanderloo said:
I'll try my fan, no tv in my room. Thanks!

Hope that works for you; it wouldn't work for me. It's a constant whir; I need a non-constant noise, like music. Unless you have an oscillating fan that makes a noise whenever it hits the end of its travel one way or the other, it wouldn't work for me.
I find anything that takes a lot of attention. When I was having trouble sleeping during exams (well, not so much trouble sleeping as my sleep schedule had shifted and I was going to be between 4am and 5am and I was trying to shift it back) I used to play mah jong tiles online til my eyes got heavy then I'd turn off the computer and crawl right into bed. Currently I've taken to doing a Sodoku puzzle right before bed (trying to get into the early bed routine for work).
Gotta be honest, I hit the pillow pretty hard last night. But when I am not falling asleep, a little reading usually helps. Then I wake up with the print of the book on my chest so I can finish reading in the mirror while I wash up.
Louie's suggestion werks for guys

but doesn’t it have the opposite effect on gurls?
A good walk, a hot shower or reading. Those three things work the best for me when I can't sleep and don't want to wake up MrsBish ;)
Luis G said:
I know it works for at least one girl (otc member).

Is it me? I don't remember if I told you that or not...anyway, if it's not me then that makes two girls.
unclehobart said:
A dose of any type of cold medication would put me down in 30 minutes or less.

During the days of the backwards sleep schedule if I had to get up in the morning for something I relied on gravol to knock me out, it did a wonderful job. I assumed she wanted methods that didn't involve drug abuse though :p
if the tv doesnt put me to sleep, then 50mg benadryl has yet to fail. course you might want to try 25mg first. i'm a bit bigger than you.