
The Libs are well known for their derogatory comentary of the public. Hence their stand that they should be given all of the people's money, since those people aren't intelligent enough to spend it wisely themselves.
"Working families need care. They need care that is regulated, safe and secure, and that's what we're building here. Don't give people C$25 a day to blow on beer and popcorn," Reid told CBC television.

"hi. we're from the government, and we're here to tell you how to spend the money we let you keep after taxes. you should listen to us...look how well we spend your tax money."

*shotgun blast*
I am the head of a working class family. I do not need nor want your help. Gimme my money back & piss off.
SouthernN'Proud said:
"hi. we're from the government, and we're here to tell you how to spend the money we let you keep after taxes. you should listen to us...look how well we spend your tax money."

*shotgun blast*
They're talking about daycare...and money they've already taxed.

One group wants to make more spaces available
One group wants to give every child under 6 $1200 to spend on whatever daycare system they want.
One group wants to close daycare spots so the rich don't use it as babysitting.

The bolded text is what Reid was talking about. You basically want to give tax money back to the people so that they can kinda pay for their daycare or not.

"It's supposed to go towards either daycare or to help support the stay-at-home parent."

But supposed to and actual is another story.
MrBishop said:
They're talking about daycare...and money they've already taxed.

One group wants to make more spaces available
One group wants to give every child under 6 $1200 to spend on whatever daycare system they want.
One group wants to close daycare spots so the rich don't use it as babysitting.

The bolded text is what Reid was talking about. You basically want to give tax money back to the people so that they can kinda pay for their daycare or not.

"It's supposed to go towards either daycare or to help support the stay-at-home parent."

But supposed to and actual is another story.

Actually, since I don't use day care at all, it's supposed to stay in my damn pocket.
here you are only supposed to get govt.
hand-outs if you are poor and can show a need

but there everyone gets handouts?
MrBishop said:
You basically want to give tax money back to the people so that they can kinda pay for their daycare or not.

"It's supposed to go towards either daycare or to help support the stay-at-home parent."

But supposed to and actual is another story.

yes, i basically want the government to keep their sticky hands out of my damn pockets and allow me to take care of my own affairs. we call it freedom. i'm rather fond of it.

for any parent found squandering their daycare money instead of taking care of their kids, then deal with those people and those alone. quit stealing from me to pay for the deadbeat down the road. i'm sick of it.
The liberals have dug themselves a nice deep hole. Now, in this upcoming election we all just need to throw the dirt in on top of them and bury them alive!

With that said I'm figuring I'm not gonna vote...there is no NDP candidate in my area...
Professur said:
Actually, since I don't use day care at all, it's supposed to stay in my damn pocket.
ahem..."It's supposed to go towards either daycare or to help support the stay-at-home parent."
Gonz said:

I speak of the liberal party of Canada...not people with liberal views in a lot of ways it's because they're incompetant oafs that I won't vote for them...not that I feel what they stand for is wrong...that's why I won't vote conservative...I don't agree with their views.
SouthernN'Proud said:
yes, i basically want the government to keep their sticky hands out of my damn pockets and allow me to take care of my own affairs. we call it freedom. i'm rather fond of it.
'cept option B is...they keep the money and use it elsewhere.

I was using the inclusive 'you'...not you (SnP) in particular.
and when they choose option b and the kid is neglected, i have no problem paying for jail space for the lazy fuck for child neglect. that penalizes the guilty, not every taxpayer.