Capitalism is Winning the War on Terror

Professur said:
I've cousins in the middle of that part of the country. I've literally heard both sides.

I have family in the deep south. Infact as the story goes one of my great grandads fought in the first world war for the English. The other was part of the team that took over the GPO in the 1916 Easter uprising.

You should have seen the amount of extra security forms I had to fill out for the army. Didn't help that one of my aunties retained her ex husbands name. Collins.

You used to see IRA collection boxes in the pubs, but not since they became part of the EU. Doesn't make good business sense.

The IRA are apparently the richest criminal organisation in Europe now so they won't want to go back to the old days.
tank girl said:
capitalism... winning "'the war on 'terror' " :rolleyes:

Interestingly, you've hit the nail squarely on the head (unintentionally, one can only assume). When these third world countries become consumer driven, terrorism will largely disappear.

"Well, I don't really approve of western values, but isn't this microwave popcorn good?"
Why do you think hardline anti-US nations (China, NK) are so fanatic about border and immigration control? You can't want what you've never tasted.
Just what does freedom and the ability to decide
your own fate taste like?
We’ve been swimming in it all our lives and have forgotten?
Lopan said:
Get a passport, travel and be humble.

Our societies have been around alot longer than yours. Drop the arrogance.


Ah, the America bashing continues.

Yes it is true most Americans don't know alot about the "rest of the world." But we're the biggest dog on the porch. We don't need to know as much about "other societies" as you do about us.

The "rest of the world" (in particular, Europeans) is sadly ignorant about Americans. They don't understand us as a people, they practice sloppy intellectual stereotypes, and they view themselves as the paragon of culture in the universe.

And this coming from a group of people who on the whole don't bathe on a regular basis.

Americans have widespread access to information about the rest of the world; "other societies" receive their information government-clarified. Nowhere in the world is the press more expansive and unrestrained than in the United States.

We have more land mass in many states than most Euro countries have.
We have every natural wonder the rest of the world has. We don't NEED to go overseas.

America by virtue of its superpower position is the most influential country in the world; the West is carrying mankind into the future both socially and technologically. It is multi-culturalism that is bringing Europe to its knees.
The Other One said:

Ah, the America bashing continues.

Yes it is true most Americans don't know alot about the "rest of the world." But we're the biggest dog on the porch. We don't need to know as much about "other societies" as you do about us.

The "rest of the world" (in particular, Europeans) is sadly ignorant about Americans. They don't understand us as a people, they practice sloppy intellectual stereotypes, and they view themselves as the paragon of culture in the universe.

And this coming from a group of people who on the whole don't bathe on a regular basis.

Americans have widespread access to information about the rest of the world; "other societies" receive their information government-clarified. Nowhere in the world is the press more expansive and unrestrained than in the United States.

We have more land mass in many states than most Euro countries have.
We have every natural wonder the rest of the world has. We don't NEED to go overseas.

America by virtue of its superpower position is the most influential country in the world; the West is carrying mankind into the future both socially and technologically. It is multi-culturalism that is bringing Europe to its knees.

I was taking the piss. I just hope you are too.

Theres way to many points to argue back on that, all futile aswell.

I will clear up one thing though. Piss taking. Anti americanism in Britain is just us making fun of your frailities, justified and otherwise. If the "big dog" can't handle this then I suggest more therapy, then maybe you will have closure and can focus on your other issues. A big mac will then be in order.
Yes, yes, I know, I know: Every American action, both present and past, as an act of deliberate oppression and systemic exploitation. America is an unmitigated evil. To be against America is to be on the right side of history-- to be for it is to be on the wrong side. :brush:

Seriously though, I would suggest that anti-Americanism stems from the fact that we are a prosperous, successful, and powerful country. No other reason. Well, maybe that Euro countries can't make that claim. So where's the motivation to get a passport and travel to one of them? :shrug:
Does Germany really have a 12.5% unemployment rate?
Guess they'll need that cradle to grave stuff huh?
Let's all laugh at the clown & then quietly remind ourselves than no country with a McDonalds has ever attacked another country with a McDonalds.

Big Macs anyone?
I had one of those double quarter pounders with cheese last night, does that count?

"yeah gimme the quadruple by-pass special, extra cheese"
Winky said:
I had one of those double quarter pounders with cheese last night, does that count?
How do you shove that much sawdust in your face at one sitting? :lol2:
The Other One said:
Yes, yes, I know, I know: Every American action, both present and past, as an act of deliberate oppression and systemic exploitation. America is an unmitigated evil. To be against America is to be on the right side of history-- to be for it is to be on the wrong side. :brush:

Seriously though, I would suggest that anti-Americanism stems from the fact that we are a prosperous, successful, and powerful country. No other reason. Well, maybe that Euro countries can't make that claim. So where's the motivation to get a passport and travel to one of them? :shrug:

Taking the piss is just friendly ribbing. If you can't laugh at yourself then who can you laugh at.

I do agree all Euro countries live below the poverty line, we aren't that different from Africa really. By all means don't get a passport and come here, go to Vegas or some other staid hellhole.
*handonhip Vegas?!

Too many people, too much smoke, too much of a waste of money. :errrr:

I'd rather go where all you see is sky horizon to horizon, the wind blows the prairie grass, the birds fly, the air smells clean, sometimes the clouds come in and it rains and sometimes the sun comes out and it shines. :hug: