

Active Member
So who said Chivalry was dead?
"if you think it was a straw that broke the camel's back you're mistaken, was his pissed off wife!"
Ethel was diasspointed that Harvey had yet to notice her special $90 'psycho fro' spectacular permanent that she had done at the hair emporium 'Turn Your Head an Coif'. Harvey on the other hand was still adamant about not asking for directions.
He contemplated his final moments as he savored one last cigarette, knowing it wouldn't be long now before the flames from the bonfire were leaping around him as he struggled against the ropes bonding him to the stake.
Renee continued to glare at Bob, tired of having to carry the firewood and continue Bob's little worker's-comp lie. Funny, she thought, how his "back is too tweaked to work," but he's perfectly capable of three minutes of bad sex. But the joke's on him: the baby she's carrying isn't his--well, she's 90 percent sure.

(If you didn't notice she's pregnant, look a little closer at the picture.)