Car maintenance

I waited a bit too long to get my brakes done and last weekend I started hearing a grinding noise while I was braking... not good...

I got the front brakes done, needed rotors, got a few filters replaced but they said I didn't need a full tune up. This is what I like about these guys, anyone else would have given me the works and charged me through the nose.

Anyway, is it normal to have your brake pedal adjust itself while you're braking? When I press the brake, it almost feels like the antilock brakes are engaging--the pressure changes. I don't know how else to explain it. The guy said give it a little while to 'set' but I've had the car back since Monday night and I've driven about 80 miles since then and it doesn't seem to be getting better.

Maybe I'm just being overly concerned. :confuse3:
GF, take it back and have it looked at again. It might be a ABS sensor is badly aligned. If they changed the rotors, they'd have shifted them. Brakes are one thing I don't take chances with. And I freaking hate ABS. That's gotta be the stupidest thing they've ever put on cars since they put backup warnings on the Windstars.

For fuck's sake, if you can't backup without a god damn radar, you shouldn't be driving. And having something turn off my brakes is really fucking useful.
When the ABS engages, there's a distinct sound and a light that appears on my dashboard that says 'low trac' but that isn't happening. Days like this where it's raining like a bitch really worry me.

The guy specifically told me to give it some time to 'settle' and break them in-I don't want to be one of those nervous nellies who assume something is wrong if it may be something that's normal. You think two days is enough time for that? Geez, where is Kruz when you need him. :)
New pads and rotors can take a few miles to settle in, but if you've driven 80 miles and done a normal amount of stopping and starting, they should be broken in by now. I'd stay on the safe side and have them looked at again.
Squiggy said:
Could ya at least hang some animated tassles on those pasties, gf...:D

I'm not as good at the photoshop thing as others are... I'd like to at least blend in those boxes so they're not so obvious.

So I'm thinkin I'm keeping this one... Y'all seem to like it. :D
Diana walked in while i was reading this thread and accused me of looking at porn. thanks GF :laugh:
she knows me so well she could fill in for me. the only clue you would have would be better grammer, spelling, punctuation and more coherent writing.
the only thing i can think of worth spending a few quid on if the car has done a few miles is the cam belt (i think that's what kruz was referring to with the worn belt). usually they have a life of about 30,000 miles and are pretty cheap (a belt for my car is about 30quid fitted)

other than that, check the carb is idling ok, exhaust for holes and wear. if you were uk i'd suggest the clutch cable is worth checking.

Brought the car back this morning. While waiting for my friend to pick me up, I saw that they had already put it up on the lift and the mechanic was looking at it.

He asked me what the problem was, I told him, he got that defensive tone in his voice and said, "It didn't do that before you brought it in?", I said no. He said, "Well I drove it around the block last time and I didn't notice anything--what speed does it do it at?" and I told him that it's more noticeable at higher speeds. He said he was going to replace the rotors again and that they were under warranty.

Then this afternoon, they called me to tell me the car was done. And this guy says, "Go easy on the brakes, ok?" and I said, "Why, you think that's why I had to bring it back in?" and he said yes. Jerkoff. If anything, I drove more cautiously than I usually do because of the brakes and it started happening the minute I drove away from the garage. But it couldn't have been their fault or an uneven rotor, now could it.

So when I went in to pick it up, and he said it again, I tried to show restraint and I said, "I did the first time too when you told me the same thing. What are brakes for if not for braking?" and walked out. Freakin patronizing assholes.

The difference in the brakes between the first time and this time is like night and day. As soon as I put pressure on the brakes, it starts to slow down, not like before where I had to press it at least halfway to 3/4 of the way down. I also don't hear the thumping anymore and the braking isn't uneven anymore.

This makes me wonder if they even replaced my rotors in the first place. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't, and just charged me for them. I'm looking for another garage.

Thanks again guys, for your advice. :)
Hey Dammit, you think you should be able to actually USE those brakes? Huh uh, you don't use them unless it's absolutely necessary. :\
Well, here're the things I'd get fixed on my car if I had the money:
Pressure Test your radiator (a coolant change would be nice until your radiator craps itself)
Exhaust system (patch holes or get a new muffler)
coolant change (you mentioned already)
brakes (you mentioned already)

Actually, my car isn't in that bad of shape, but I'm so picky since I got rid of my Tracer (aka BondoMobile).
greenfreak said:

Brought the car back this morning. While waiting for my friend to pick me up, I saw that they had already put it up on the lift and the mechanic was looking at it.

He asked me what the problem was, I told him, he got that defensive tone in his voice and said, "It didn't do that before you brought it in?", I said no. He said, "Well I drove it around the block last time and I didn't notice anything--what speed does it do it at?" and I told him that it's more noticeable at higher speeds. He said he was going to replace the rotors again and that they were under warranty.

Then this afternoon, they called me to tell me the car was done. And this guy says, "Go easy on the brakes, ok?" and I said, "Why, you think that's why I had to bring it back in?" and he said yes. Jerkoff. If anything, I drove more cautiously than I usually do because of the brakes and it started happening the minute I drove away from the garage. But it couldn't have been their fault or an uneven rotor, now could it.

So when I went in to pick it up, and he said it again, I tried to show restraint and I said, "I did the first time too when you told me the same thing. What are brakes for if not for braking?" and walked out. Freakin patronizing assholes.

The difference in the brakes between the first time and this time is like night and day. As soon as I put pressure on the brakes, it starts to slow down, not like before where I had to press it at least halfway to 3/4 of the way down. I also don't hear the thumping anymore and the braking isn't uneven anymore.

This makes me wonder if they even replaced my rotors in the first place. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't, and just charged me for them. I'm looking for another garage.

Thanks again guys, for your advice. :)

Sorry, I didn't get down this far before I last posted. I'd say try a different mechanic next time. My guy is really good, knows me by name, charges me fairly (believe it or not), and since I got rid of that Tracer loves to work on my new car (since it doesn't crap itself monthly). And if you don't get a new mechanic, next time you drop by to get it fixed, run down the one who gave you problems. Everyone knows there's almost nothing more expensive than the maintenance of a car (...and everyone know what IS more expensive :D ).
I just talked to my mechanic (my car's been in the shop for two days now) ...

it's gonna cost me $228.03 for the stuff I HAD to have done ASAP ... and upwards of $500 for the rest (not including new tires, and a new headlight switch) ... *waiting for my tax refund*