car wash - raging success (cheering coach ready for psych ward)


New Member
ok, so my cheerleaders raised a little over five hundred dollars today... fantastic!! however, i was not prepared for the raging hormones to be predominantly displayed...*lmao* was like shark infested waters....the teen age, high school boys (with a smattering of those pesky, just graduated, going to college in the fall - guys) just would not leave my girls alone...*sigh*....i was on constant watch...i gave each guy about a 15 to 20 minutes after their car was done to split...if they didn't leave on their own before that, i was telling 'em to i know why i played softball in high school.....
You had nubile young lasses, presumably in short shorts or bikinis, washing cars & didn't provide photographs???
Ever been by one of those? Looks like a topless bar convention, only less jaded.
SouthernN'Proud said:
But they'll never listen...

Bad boys always get the girls. Even the good girls. Nice boys get the leftovers.

what i didn't say is, i told them because i've learned from experience....been *piss3* 'ed on a few too many times by bad boys....nice boys really are ... well ... NICER!!
SouthernN'Proud said:
Bad boys always get the girls. Even the good girls. Nice boys get the leftovers.

Really? Whoda thunk that?

*Picks up his strat, hops on his motorpickle and disappears at well over the posted limit.*

Think I'll go see if there's any beer left in the fridge...
browneyedMAC said:
what i didn't say is, i told them because i've learned from experience....been *piss3* 'ed on a few too many times by bad boys....nice boys really are ... well ... NICER!!

I used to charge extra for the extra kinky stuff.

What you (and all those other mothers) forgot to tell the girls is how to recognise us. That ... not all bad boys are bad in school. I was an Uber-geek. Sci and comp major. Just gave me access to soooo many other girls ... and supply rooms.
Professur said:
I used to charge extra for the extra kinky stuff.

What you (and all those other mothers) forgot to tell the girls is how to recognise us. That ... not all bad boys are bad in school. I was an Uber-geek. Sci and comp major. Just gave me access to soooo many other girls ... and supply rooms.

my my have corrected me well....i'll have to keep that in
Sadly young Lady by the third decade of life
all that’s leftover is the leftovers...

kinda like pickin' through the stuff left on the rack
two days after the sale has ended

its not your style and doesn’t quite fit

but its all they got

Now if these HS gurls ain’t learnt
(mommy & daddy shoulda taught them)
the difference between good and bad boi’s

there’re in for a werld of hurt

‘coming right up’!
browneyedMAC said:
what i didn't say is, i told them because i've learned from experience....been *piss3* 'ed on a few too many times by bad boys....nice boys really are ... well ... NICER!!

And therein lies our secret. By the time we've grown up suitably, we've had our fun. Been there, done that, got the trophies and the war stories and the memories. Then we put on that nice face and viola!

Like a charm. Been working for centuries. if it ain't broke don't fix it.

*passes ch and prof beers*
SouthernN'Proud said:
And therein lies our secret. By the time we've grown up suitably, we've had our fun. Been there, done that, got the trophies and the war stories and the memories. Then we put on that nice face and viola!

yep yep, all the REAL nice boys where bad boys at least for a while, it's the ones that where always nice y ou gotta be careful about, cause they will turn bad later.