carb lovers in here!!


New Member
this low-carb craze is driving me crazy!! low-carb soda? low-carb candy? low -carb carbs?

i love my carbs and will always be loyal to them :headbang:
*piles on the rice, poi, bread, & pasta on my plate*
*munches on Ritz while reading the thread*

*shouts "HEAR HEAR" while spitting crumbs everywhere*
*reads this while eating a dinner containing in part carrots and pasta under a whack of real butter*
i can do low's this no carb thing that i dig my heels in about.

*clutches an oatmeal raisin cookie tightly in her fist
Pasta rules!! :cool:

What's the big deal about carbs, anyway . . . I have lost 30 pounds since March by simply getting more exercise. Still eating what I want, just smaller portions. Strict diets like Atkins seem pointless because the weight comes right back when you resume your normal eating habits. :brush:
Sharky said:
What's the big deal about carbs, anyway . . .
in case someone didnt know.....
carbs are complex sugars. complex sugars are tougher to use as energy. your body prefers burning simple sugars first (like those found in fruit juices or a packet of sugar), then it'll break down the carbs for energy. what is not used is stored as fat for future use. that is why marathon runners gorge on pasta the night before a race. gives the body plenty of fuel to burn during the long run.
that happens to be one of the reasons why you need to drink a lot of water daily. your body needs water to break down the complex sugars and fats into something useable.
*loves carbs
*ignores spot
*eats another chocolate & peanut butter oreo cookie


Spot, thanks for the explination. I drink lots of water and keep packets of sugar in my drawer just for that purpose, so I think I'm all set. :D

I actually used to eat sugar cubes as snacks. Drove my sister nuts.
greenfreak said:
*loves carbs
*ignores spot
*eats another chocolate & peanut butter oreo cookie


Spot, thanks for the explination. I drink lots of water and keep packets of sugar in my drawer just for that purpose, so I think I'm all set. :D

I actually used to eat sugar cubes as snacks. Drove my sister nuts.

Remember Pixie Stix, the skinny paper tubes filled with sugar mixed with Kool-aid mix, sold as candy? :D

P.S. - Thanks, Spot, for clarifying the carb deal. :cool:
Sharky said:
Remember Pixie Stix, the skinny paper tubes filled with sugar mixed with Kool-aid mix, sold as candy? :D

P.S. - Thanks, Spot, for clarifying the carb deal. :cool:

Or those wax sticks/tubes containing a sugary coloured liquid .
greenfreak said:
I actually used to eat sugar cubes as snacks. Drove my sister nuts.
For my economics class in high school, the class had to make up snack foods and "market" them. A few guys joined together and created an energy drink that was so stuffed with sugar and caffeine that it tasted nasty, knocked you on the floor and left you with a head rush with just one sip.

I liked mine better. I melted some chocolate and poured it over sugar cubes. I called them "Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs" (and yes, I factored in the cost of using Calvin and Hobbes into my simulation). They came out pretty well; the only way it'd have been better is if I'd used milk chocolate instead of semi-sweet chocolate chips.
sometiems i'll have mashed potatoes and noodles.
i consume bread by the metric ton.
i am a pasta and potato maniac.
breakfast cereal is my bitch.
oh god and candy.
i am a candyholic.

carbs forever!
Dieter Sues Atkins, Says Diet Clogged Arteries

Thu May 27,11:16 PM ET

By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Correspondent

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A man who blames his heart disease on the Atkins diet said on Thursday he is suing the privately held Atkins Inc. to force it to disclose what he called the risks of the popular high-fat, low-carb regimen.

Jody Gorran of Delray Beach, Florida, said he could show that he had low cholesterol and no heart disease before he started the diet, but quickly developed clogged arteries afterwards.

"I believe that the diet almost killed me by giving me heart disease," Gorran, 53, told a news conference in Washington. "I feel victimized by Atkins."

Gorran is being sponsored by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a nutritional advocacy group that promotes a vegan diet.

Gorran's complaint, filed in a Florida county court, seeks $14,000, mostly for attorney's fees, and $40 in damages.

The Atkins diet promotes a high-fat, high-protein diet meant to force the body to shed pounds by going into a condition called ketosis.

Many doctors agree ketosis can be dangerous, and the PCRM held a news conference last November at which a couple from Missouri also said their 16-year-old daughter died while in a state of ketosis on the Atkins diet.

"Defendants knew that approximately one-third of those customers who brought their products and followed their nutritional advice would have increased cholesterol levels and, correspondingly, increased risk of cardiovascular disease," Gorran's complaint reads.

Atkins Inc. denied the charges.

"Atkins stands by the science that has repeatedly reaffirmed the safety and health benefits of the Atkins Nutritional Approach," the company said in a statement.

Studies show that people on the Atkins diet can lose weight and also have their cholesterol fall while on the Atkins diet, at least in the short term. No published study has followed dieters for more than a year.

But the American Heart Association (news - web sites) has said the lower cholesterol levels are likely from the initial weight loss.That group and many other doctor's groups' recommend dieters lose weight by cutting calories overall.

This week the committee that sets U.S. nutritional guidelines also recommended against "fad" diets and advised Americans to eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains.