carb lovers in here!!

what else do you expect from a high-fat, high-protein diet?!?! did they not expect that from eating steaks 24/7?
I have no sympathy for these people. The first rule of any major diet is to be checked out by a doc on a regular basis to make sure your bod isnt going right into a brick wall. If they had problems, they did something seriously wrong. Perhaps I should sue my sneaker manufacturer for not having a disclaimer telling me to drink plenty of water during physical exertions.
I would prefer lower-carb and lower-fat dieting with some excersize thrown in for good measure. If you make the excersize fun...kudos! Chances are that you'll keep it up for years and get the weight down.

I eat low-fat...but not always, and i never leave the table stuffed. I avoid the red-meats more for my wallet than my stomach.

I go for a walk every night...for about 1 hour regardless of the weather. Gives me time to think, and has over the past year or two, knocked off a few inches from my pot..permanently.
Fuck Atkins...gimme my burgers and get out of my way...I'm walking this meal right off!
It's the same as suing ciggy manufacturers.

"I'm too much of a dumb-ass to track my own health and wellbeing. Now that the odds have caught up with me, I need someone to blame (and pay). After all, I can't be at fault, now can I?"
