I'm posting rather late on this thread, but I thought I'd offer some of my input anyhow. Couldn't be bothered wasting my time by reading the entire thread but I get the gist of it.
I can't choose any of those categories you provide...
It might have been (3).... but then I do say yes to sex for fun!!
Sex is fun, its meant to be fun, we are programmed to want sex theres no point in trying to repress that in others or supress that in ourself however morally superior one may consider themself to be.
There is no way I would discriminate against those that have sex for the "fun" of it...thats purely an individual choice. And that freedom of choice is important in order to reach an understanding (well for the more intelligent of us at least) that the best is yet to come, and that best is best found within the comfort of a relationship.
I see casual sex as self-defeating in the sense that it merely limits your potential - by denying oneself the experience of sensational sex with someone you love in exchange for empty sex on its own accord (however one might justify it as responsible, consensual, "fun", casual or whatever) because in that situation there are no guarantees, and inevitably there will be a limited experience that is nothing compared to the Reciprocality involved in an actual partnership .
There is, undeniably, no greater fun to be had than where both partners are commited (married or not) relationship.
In this situation sex is undeniably 10 (thousand?) times greater than sex on its own - It's impossible to match making love to someone who is not only your
sexual partner but also your
best friend.
There a multitude of guarantees which come with sex in a loving relationship . Take for instance the prospect of regularity, reliability, trust, safety, pleasure...the opportunity for improvement gives the entire thing a whole new dynamic because it actually means that sex can only get better every time as progressively you learn more and more about each others bodies...
Most importantly I think that you can't REALLY appreciate and develop a full awareness of the value and potential of that sort of sex - not to mention of your own personal sexuality - without having the personal experience to give you the means of comparison to do it with.And that way, you can't love your partner more when you know yourself how empty and not to mention BORING sex can be where there is no real conection there.
I don't think that a partnership means marriage; because you don't need a piece of paper or a bible to attain a meaningful commitment with someone providing your love is real.
I don't think that it means that you must stick with one partner forever either - (people change but the important thing is to be with someone you are right for and who is right for you).
I don't think you can truly appreciate what you have when you find something special in someone if you don't have other things you've personally experienced to compare it with.
You'd never fully appreciate the quality of a good wine if you'd never tasted a bad one, now, would you?
Jeslek said:
Its just physical pleasure. Nothing more! Without the emotional and psychological bond, sex is empty in my opinion. I'd much rather take my girl skydiving then....
that insight is brilliant, by the way. just thought I'd mention that